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hot-sauce Recommended top 5 sauces

The sweetest gal in the world mailed me some secret aardvark and some lucky dog "year of the dog". They were really fruity. Lucky dog tasted like pineapple and the Aardvark taste like pomegranate. I twisted off the caps and drank half the bottles. yum! 
I very much look forward to reading through this thread! But to give a quick take:
Cantina Royal in Brooklyn makes 5 hot sauces, all of which are great. Also look for Nobska Farms' hot sauces, both the red and green ones, when available; they're based in Woods Hole, Cape Cod. I'll have more remarks later.
The Hot Pepper said:
Britannia Mills Chaude Boucane
That's 5 but if you are willing to order from Australia try:
Melbourne Hot Sauce Hop Smoked Jalapeno and Reaper Whisky BBQ!w

These don't seem to be on Amazon.com, which is great because I'm looking for delicious sauces - particularly, complex ones with nice long finishes - that have low visibility and distribution, at least in the U.S. How would you describe the tastes of these sauces, beyond whatever is obvious just from reading the ingredients? Also, do you like any of Britannia Mills' other sauces?
DeBo said:
Chili Beer Hot Sauce - Super fresh tasting
El Yucateco XXXtra Hot sauce - Nice smokey flavor
Lucky Dog Pink Label - Fruity with some heat
Pex Peppers Atom Splitter - Really hot but great flavor
Puckerbutt I Dare you Stupit - Another pretty hot sauce with a nice vinegar tang

Is this the Chili Beer Hot Sauce you're referring to? https://www.amazon.com/Blue-Conguila-Natural-Pepper-Imperial/dp/B077BM7B2W/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1536125968&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=Chili+Beer+Hot+Sauce&psc=1
Any of the other ones not on Amazon?
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salsalady said:
SeaFire Gourmet Sweet Spicy Girl
El Fuego Fresno
Secret aardvark
Lucky dog's milder ones
Texas Creek sriracha and TC new steak sauce
Tons of other smaller sauce companies but I guess I am over the limit...

Only one of SeaFire's sauces seems to be on Amazon - La Diosa Verde, and it looks like they're making a handsome profit on it, considering that it's on sale on SeaFire's website for $6.79 and Amazon is selling it for $14.90: http://davezfoodz.com/?product=la-diosa-verde https://www.amazon.com/Seafire-Gourmet-Diosa-Verde-Sauce/dp/B0774YYT5Z/ref=sr_1_8_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1536132324&sr=8-8&keywords=seafire
Do you like any of their other sauces?
I like Char-Man's salsa verde, which I tried at the NYC Hot Sauce Expo in April.
What other smaller sauce companies that have low distribution do you like?
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Pan said:
These don't seem to be on Amazon.com, which is great because I'm looking for delicious sauces - particularly, complex ones with nice long finishes - that have low visibility and distribution, at least in the U.S. How would you describe the tastes of these sauces, beyond whatever is obvious just from reading the ingredients? Also, do you like any of Britannia Mills' other sauces?
The first one won best overall in The Hot Pepper Awards. Yes their others are good. Tastes like they hand smoke feesh pods with select woods. Delicious!

The second is great as well. Very dynamic hits from the hops to the smoke to the booze.