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Recruiting serious chileheads for ambitious project

Agree with Wilard a number of projects very alike are under way in Brazil,Mexico,U.K,Carribean,Holland and many more love the idea of having a collective database but the ideas and aims need a lot of mapping out and as A.J said its a lot of Data to collate over time,But fine intentions by yourself for the idea :)
texas blues said:
Hobby grower? Oh no you didn't! While we're not pro's, i.e. getting paid to grow, we are most assuredely addicts. Building model planes is a hobby. Chile's, hot sauce, and bbq are LIFESTYLES!!

Cheers, TB.

Lol right on TB

But yeah i think willard is probably right. I still think it would be fun to send everyone on the board a certain type to grow from the same seed stock and see the different results. Maybe not scientific but still be fun. Anyone like that idea better?

I like that idea a lot better. That way we can compare habanero to habanero! Last spring, I suggested a grow test but one that would involve germination and raising the seedlings to a size large enough to transplant. The idea was to see how different sowing media, lights, watering, and fertilizing worked, especially since everything would be done indoors where conditions can be better controlled.

Txclosetgrower said:
Lol right on TB

But yeah i think willard is probably right. I still think it would be fun to send everyone on the board a certain type to grow from the same seed stock and see the different results. Maybe not scientific but still be fun. Anyone like that idea better?

Again great idea But there is environmental conditions,Amount of Sun and if grown under lights so growing a plant in texas,uk,Germany etc can throw so many differnt results up even if you use the same seed stock :)
talas said:
Again great idea But there is environmental conditions,Amount of Sun and if grown under lights so growing a plant in texas,uk,Germany etc can throw so many differnt results up even if you use the same seed stock :)

Lol exactly the point of the experiment man.
I'd join the everyone-is-growing-the-same-plant - project. Recording all that data like you suggested in your first post is a good idea, but it's too much for me - sorry!
Txclosetgrower said:
Lol exactly the point of the experiment man.

No dude the conditions would have to exactly the same all around including amount of light,Heat Soil etc or the data would be useless, thats why a study like that is only carried out in a very stringent lab Conditions :)
talas said:
No dude the conditions would have to exactly the same all around including amount of light,Heat Soil etc or the data would be useless, thats why a study like that is only carried out in a very stringent lab Conditions :)

I see what you're saying, but what I'm saying is that of course different areas have different climates, thus things grow differently. It would be cool to see how seeds of the same genetics grow in different places around the globe. I understand its not very scientific, but still would be fun :)
I would love to do this, but Id have to give up one of my other hobbies to properly track my pepper hobby; I check my plants once daily at about the same time but its as simple as: are they alive? is the soil moist? are any pods ready? are any new flowers in need of pollination? are the aphids under control? and thats only a 10min process; the undertaking you've suggested would be a much crazier process... also my data would be useless to outdoor growers since i grow indoors/in a gree house/outdoors i guess i could write the date that i move plants in but it varies based on temperature, and when i actually have time to do it.. I do think this kind of tracking is a good idea, for those that have the time to devote to it
Txclosetgrower said:
I see what you're saying, but what I'm saying is that of course different areas have different climates, thus things grow differently. It would be cool to see how seeds of the same genetics grow in different places around the globe. I understand its not very scientific, but still would be fun :)

Agree it would be fun and nice to send seed to friends and see them grow in a different Country/Continent and see the results,Done that myself this year and must say it will put a smile on my face :)