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soil-media Recycling Potting Soil

I've just killed off my unproductive plants and plants that I didn't like and am wondering what to do about the old soil in the pots. I'm wondering is it worth pulling out the roots and filtering out the soil and then re-using it? Money isn't the issue, I just don't want to be a waster and waste stuff that is good enough to re-use.

Any thoughts?
Bugged...how many plants do you grow each year?
Bugged...how many plants do you grow each year?

Well this year was my second year, and my first successful one. I had about 15 plants, gave away about 5. Killed off 6 and am now left with 4 to overwinter. I'll be growing perhaps another 5-7 next year as 15 was just far too many in my 62m[sup]2[/sup] place.
cool man...then I have an idea for you...

get one or two of these...32 gallon trash cans (with wheels if you can find them)


"clean" your soil in them and sit them on your balcony/porch, whatever outside area you can put it and keep it until next year when you can "augment" the old soil with new...

I always have a few roots left in my recycled soil, but since it has sat for a few months, I figure that is just more to compost..
cool man...then I have an idea for you...

get one or two of these...32 gallon trash cans (with wheels if you can find them)


"clean" your soil in them and sit them on your balcony/porch, whatever outside area you can put it and keep it until next year when you can "augment" the old soil with new...

I always have a few roots left in my recycled soil, but since it has sat for a few months, I figure that is just more to compost..

That's a fantastic idea AJ. Never though about using the roots as "composte". Makes a lot of sense. Minor point though. It's -13'C outside. I would have to keep the container inside which actually isn't a problem as I could get sever smaller ones.

Thanks AJ. that is a great answer. Cheers.

That's a fantastic idea AJ. Never though about using the roots as "composte". Makes a lot of sense. Minor point though. It's -13'C outside. I would have to keep the container inside which actually isn't a problem as I could get sever smaller ones.

Thanks AJ. that is a great answer. Cheers.

YW...but I have a question for you...if you are not growing anything in the soil over the witner, why would you worry about the temp?...you can always bring it inside to thaw before you plant, thus the recommendation for wheels...
YW...but I have a question for you...if you are not growing anything in the soil over the witner, why would you worry about the temp?...you can always bring it inside to thaw before you plant, thus the recommendation for wheels...

The temperature effects the rotting of the "compost" ie roots, thus if stored outside it would compost.
The temperature effects the rotting of the "compost" ie roots, thus if stored outside it would compost.

yup...forgot the temperature needs to be fairly high for composting...my bad...I really don't think it makes a difference though...the old roots won't grow I don't think anyway...
Be aware that, if you have any pathogens in your soil presently, these will reappear if you don't sterilize the soil. Composting for a year will do the trick.
If I remember correctly, for composting to get rid of most pathogens you need to make sure you have it compost at a high temperature, and that it will not get rid of all pathogens.
I've been doing some research myself on a similar topic. From what I understand, pouring some boiling water into the old soil will kill any soil pathogens that are present. I'm already planning on doing the same to the old stuff I have saved, adding some new stuff and putting some fish emulsion in it to boot. :dance:
I have read somewhere that microwaving small batches of soil will also kill the pathogens...probably will kill everything...not recommending this at all...

Note: I have not tried it and probably won't but you should be very careful if you do IMO...
You can solarize your soil too by laying it thin and covering with clear poly in direct sun but this is probably only needed if you're worried about nasties in the soil. Most of these tecniques are likely going to kill off a lot of benefial microbes as well as the bad