A BAR (aka Beer Garden, Honky Tonk, Pub, Tavern, Saloon, Dive, Speakeasy). Known to have pretty women, nefarious people, pool tables (gasp!), local characters and other social misfits hanging around at all hours of the day and night engaging in stimulating conversation, high comedy, intellectually challenging discussions on the matters of the day, and/or general debauchery. Also allegedly known to serve some pretty damn good burgers at least in my neck of the woods!
Just because R.R. Serves booze, they do not meet the qualifications to be honorably called a "BAR".
If overcrowded, noisy, typically suburban, overpriced burger chains are your thing, please by all means continue to enjoy. As stated earlier most towns have a local place that is just as good (relatively speaking) if not a whole lot better. BYO hot stuff.
Addendum: Texas Blues get's it. Can't believe I just wasted the last ten minutes posting on freak'in Red Robin.