Red version, Douglah x Butch T - F7 generation. Buckeye Butchlah

Many thanks to Jack Browning for sending this awesome pod to me. 
I am Jack`s inflammed GI tract!
Jack jokingly refers to it as the Buckeye Butchlah, as it has been grown to F7 by Mike and Jen McDermott at The Buckeye Pepper Company. Seeds are available here,
This is a really gnarly looking beast, but the initial aromas are a little subdued over what I`d expect. That`s not a bad thing, as it allows you to smell the pepper without your eyes shrinking into the back of your head. The aroma is a little flowery, slightly bitter, as you find in the Butch T, but all in all very good for a superhot with this parentage.
The initial flavor is sweet, very surprisingly, followed by some bitterness. However, the bitterness lasts almost no time and in truth adds a nice edge to the overall flavors. Then you get the flowery notes that both Butch T and douglah`s can have, but toned down in a way that is very enjoyable. Amazingly, to me, there are then some very fresh green notes, almost like green apple. Then the heat blasts your mouth to pieces.
The heat is apparent right away, but the flavors do come through before it ramps up to insane levels. And insane the levels are. This is a stupidly hot pod, with an extremely aggressive and painful heat. At first it went to my throat, but then the most pain was on my tongue and around my mouth. Then it all moved to th back of my throat and I thought it would burn a hole through to the outside. It is in elite company in both heat and pain, plus it gave what is possibly the worst throat burn I`ve ever had.
The endorphin rush was very strong indeed. I think I was pretty high for about an hour.
Sounds like MisChief was feeling your pain. It's been awhile since we have seen you take a beating like that. Good job hanging in there and staying descriptive. 
Great review Nigel as always. Happy you reviewed that one as I have been on the fence about ordering it. After seeing that I went right to Buckeye and ordered myself 2 packs as well as red naglah I'd been meaning to pick up. Shame they're out of brown naglah but there's always another time. Really looking forward to growing this beast. Keep those awesome reviews coming
Hawaiianero said:
Damn Nigel, if you were a super hero you'd be called the human torch.
After a pepper like that I'd be Thor.
Thor mouth, Thor tongue, Thor throat, and Thor ath :onfire:
HaHaHaHaHaHaHa, nice one!!!
Nigel buddy, I am beyond thankful for you allowing me to send a pepper to you for review.  Great thorough review as always, and that Sir is why you were my first choice for getting a review done. 

Roguejim said:
Nigel, is there any way to get more bright light down on that open pod to really show the interior?  A bit too much shadow, I think.
Here is one I cut up shortly before sending the pod Nigel reviewed to him, if that counts? 


Roguejim said:
Nigel, is there any way to get more bright light down on that open pod to really show the interior?  A bit too much shadow, I think.
My lights have been "tidied away" and I can`t find them, along with my shotgun mike  :cry:
Browning said:
Nigel buddy, I am beyond thankful for you allowing me to send a pepper to you for review.  Great thorough review as always, and that Sir is why you were my first choice for getting a review done. 

Here is one I cut up shortly before sending the pod Nigel reviewed to him, if that counts? 


Nice photos, Jack. You can really see all the oil droplets on the non-shiny interior. Thanks for your really kind words, too!