• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


I guess it is about time I posted some pictures of my 2012 seedlings.

Here's what things looked like in January:

A couple weeks ago:

On the other bench:

And now time for some close ups:

Cleo's Dragon:

Peach Habanero:

Pimenta Elisir:

Pimenta Leopard:

Purple Bhut Jolokia:

Brian2112's Spikey Scorpion:
That's awesome! I just had a bunch of volunteers too...mine are all ornamental though. Yours will be cool to watch develop and try to figure out!
How many plants do you have in total Dan?

they are looking great so far!!

I've been trying to germinate those C. Galapagoense seeds, and have been having a hard time... Planted 3, and went 0 for 3. Is there some piece of existential knowledge I lack? haha

Getting ready to try again... I put them in a seed tray, and had good luck with the tray in general, just not the galapas. Which leads me to think I did or didn't do something.

Going to try to start some in just a foam cup tomorrow... Did that with some c. Praeternissum (heavy praternissum) and they are going like crazy.

Also!! I picked my first C. Chinense pod yesterday - Orange Hab. It was quite spicy despite being the first pod of the year. Looking forward to the superhots you sent :)
How many plants do you have in total Dan?

With the last count, I think I have just under 500 plants. Happy to hear about your growing success. Keep up the good work!!!

Dan loves the Orange Habs. I heard that he wanted to grow at least a dozen plants this year but the cold wiped them out....Next year he is gonna double down and grow like a thousand.

I sure do love me some orange habs! :sick: It is most unfortunate since I use them in my habanero apricot jam but that will be changing this season after I find a worthy replacement.
Dan do you overcrowded with 500[sup]2[/sup] or are you selling/gifting a bunch? I have just under 600 total between my 3. I know I lose space to borders and all so probably right around 500 truly used. Last year I had 180 plants and the over crowding caused so much fighting for sun my yield suffered.
Well keep in mind that I put quite a few in buckets and some of the varieties I grow really don't take up much space. Some of the wilds are pretty spindly.

Oh, and that was a weird typo or addition mistake. I've got about 1100 sq. ft. available for planting.
Ok, I know it's been a little while since I updated my growlog so here are some pics from this morning. It was about 38F this morning with no frost so the plants are a little grumpy. . .

One of three grow contest red Bhuts

Overwintered Chile Penguin - Finally topped this guy since he was getting to tall

Here Fishy Fishy Fishy...

Mata Frade

St. Helena Island Yellow pepper

Super Pube

That's funny, I don't remember planting any of those!?
What is this grow contest you speak of? I may have to read back a couple pages...hmmmmm. Good luck! I'm gonna take a stab at the longest chili contest with my big jims. They'll snap out of their cold weather funk eventually. Looks like just about everyone is ready for plant out! Woot! Keep it up, and keep your surprise red topped plant looks happy!
Oops, sorry about that. The grow contest plant is for another site. A bunch of growers are doing a contest to see whose plant has the highest yield on some Bhut Jolokias.
lol. Great stuff, Dan. You have some really rare varieties. Rare to me, anyway! What's the deal with the Mata Frade and the St. Helena Island Yellow?