• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


I guess it is about time I posted some pictures of my 2012 seedlings.

Here's what things looked like in January:

A couple weeks ago:

On the other bench:

And now time for some close ups:

Cleo's Dragon:

Peach Habanero:

Pimenta Elisir:

Pimenta Leopard:

Purple Bhut Jolokia:

Brian2112's Spikey Scorpion:
Of course THE WEATHER IS A BASTARD! I just planted out my tomatoes. I can still move my peppers indoors but DAMN, let's get over this whole winter in late april shit! Snow. FTW.

Oh, and bring them in. No point taking chances this late.
Of course THE WEATHER IS A BASTARD! I just planted out my tomatoes. I can still move my peppers indoors but DAMN, let's get over this whole winter in late april shit! Snow. FTW.

Oh, and bring them in. No point taking chances this late.

I would just dig up your maters and bring them in brother. I'm going to chance it and have the ceramic heater running for the next couple of days out there. Huge electric bill here we come!!!!!

That is directly on my head.

Still looking for the "that blows" button!
Hard frost outside this morning. Even with the heater in the hoophouse, my remote thermometer was registering 36F. Looks like I need to put another one in there.

Chilly chiles
i thought we had it bad here in socal.. guess not... last friday it was 96+ and my plants wasnt 100% hardened and they got their ass kicked.. the next day it was 72... now we're expecting rain...... Cold.. Hot.. Rain... Sun... how is a plant suppose to acclimate!!! hahaha anyways good luck with your grow!!
Things are looking alright in the hoophouse now. Here are a couple update pictures of my poor sunburned, freezing plants in the hoophouse.

Chile Penguin

Super Pube

Charleston Hot

I just found a note from the rest of my indoor plants saying they don't want to go out and play until July!!!
I was checking out the blueberry plants I have in containers the other day and noticed this:


We really must have had a mild winter if the seed I threw in the containers for the birds survived and germinated. I figured what the heck and took about 20 of the most promising ones and put them in the last germination tray. The only drawback will be I have no freaking idea what they are...