• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Time to get this party started!!!


Here is an abbreviated list of this season (basically, whatever I can remember):

Jay's Bhut Scorpion (red)
Jay's Bhut Scorpion (peach)
Carolina Reaper
NMSU Bhut Jolokia
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Peach Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia Assam 'Indian Carbon'
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Moruga Scorpion
Yellow Moruga Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 'Mississippi Strain'
Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion
Yellow Trinidad Scorpion CARDI
7 Pot 'Rennie'
7 Pot 'Bubblegum'
7 Pot 'Brain Strain'
7 Pot 'Brain Strain' (yellow)
7 Pot 'Chaguanas' #2
7 Pot 'Douglah'
7 Pot 'Burgundy'
Sepia Serpent
Black Naga
Red Fatalii

Peach Habanero
Madam Jeanette
Congo Red
Habanero Francisca
Chocolate Habanero
Bahamian Goat
Mako akokosrade
Kpakpo shito
Foodarama Scotch Bonnet

Chapeau de Frade
Aji Amarillo
Aji Blanco Cristal
Aji Criolla Sella
Cluster Rod
Yellow Bouquet
Pimenta Trepadiera do Werner
Aji Norteno

Rocoto Rojo
Ultra Pube
Super Pube
Turbo Pube
Bolivian Rocoto
Incan Rocoto
PI 614001
Aji Rocoto
Ecuadorian Red Pepper from Hell

CAP 215
CAP 501
Texas chiltepin
Duke pequin
C. tovarii
C. lanceolatum
Aji Cereza
Impact F1

Annuums will be started in about a month.
meatfreak said:
Great harvest, Dan. That's a lot of ripe Jalapeno's or am I mistaken :D Gonna smoke them?
Close Meatie! They are red Fresno peppers. I use them as a base in a bunch of my sauces so I go through a bunch of them. I'm happy they are really starting to produce now. To answer your question, I don't really like smoking my pods. I think it detracts from the natural flavor of the pepper. . . . . . . and I'm lazy.  :rofl:
I apologize once again for my absence but I've been busy as all get out! I just finished doing two week long county fairs, another festival and am currently prepping for the Bowers Chile Festival this weekend. On top of all that, I'm trying to take care of my plants. Here are a couple picks of recent harvests:



Sepia Serpent:

7 Pots and Reapers:
Once again, sorry for my absence lately. I'm really having a banner season and am actually having trouble keeping up with the amount of production (not a bad problem to have I guess).  Here are a few pics:

Time to pick the 7 Pots...


Aji Caballero loaded to the gills!!!


Buckets of Bhuts...

Giant Bhuts
Looks like a very busy night for you Red... What are you doing with all of the seeds from the pods? Just curious with all that poddage you got going on... Thats a whole lotta seeds...
I liked your post Red, but I had to quickly unlike it. Deseeding all those peppers would suck. Although, with enough beer, it might be doable  :drunk:
I get through a few dozen and say screw it. The seeds don't really taste bad.  ;)
Believe me, if I didn't have to de-seed them, I wouldn't. My habaneros (except for the chocolates) are used in my Habanero Apricot jam. I don't know about you but I don't want a lot of pepper seeds in a jam. There are several varieties I don't bother taking the seeds out of thankfully...