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Regal Peppers - FYI

I ran across this pepper company and you might be interested in their website. They are located in St. Augustine Florida and appear to specialize in Datil Peppers. Go figure.........

Anyway, I started germinating seeds I got from them today - Caribbean Reds and Datils. Plus some mystery seeds they also sent along for the ride.

When I was reading through some of the pepper descriptions, I noticed that parts of them were lifted word for word from Pepper Joe's seed catalogue.

Other descriptions were paraphrased very closely to Pepper Joe's catalogue.

So I couldn't help but wonder if Regal Peppers is affiliated with Pepper Joe, either being owned by him or by someone in his family.

And Regal Peppers is openly looking for seed trades, probably in an attempt to expand their future stock of peppers plants and the subsequent seed produced from those plants.

Do you happen to still have the physical address for them as they don't list it and are not listed in the local book.

However it gives me pause when I read a blurb like this from a local grower,
"The Datil pepper is an extremely hot pepper of the species Capsicum chinense, and is one of the hottest peppers in the world."

While yes they can light you up, the aren't near the hottest in the world.

Good luck with them.
Do you happen to still have the physical address for them as they don't list it and are not listed in the local book.

However it gives me pause when I read a blurb like this from a local grower,
"The Datil pepper is an extremely hot pepper of the species Capsicum chinense, and is one of the hottest peppers in the world."

While yes they can light you up, the aren't near the hottest in the world.

Good luck with them.

Full disclosure - I know nothing about them. The seeds came from a St. Augustine address. Who knows?

I got free seeds, not counting the $5.00 shipping, but I will definitely let everyone know how they grow out.

Full disclosure - I know nothing about them. The seeds came from a St. Augustine address. Who knows?

I got free seeds, not counting the $5.00 shipping, but I will definitely let everyone know how they grow out.


Yes - Here's what the receipt says:

Regal Peppers
2555 Joe Ashton Rd.
St. Augustine Fl 32092

Let me know....
Hmmm... If I had the time or patients to post on any/every website I came across I'd have them out of business in a weekend!
The address comes back registered to Mudbug Farm Inc. I'll ask my brother about doing a driveby if he is going to be out in that area. Or next time I drive south I will take a detour. Google Earth photo (3 yrs old) shows a house and 3 small greenhouses. Of course they could have enlarged.
The address comes back registered to Mudbug Farm Inc. I'll ask my brother about doing a driveby if he is going to be out in that area. Or next time I drive south I will take a detour. Google Earth photo (3 yrs old) shows a house and 3 small greenhouses. Of course they could have enlarged.

Mudbug Farm Inc. was on the invoice also...
That site is also advertising "free seeds" if you post a link to Facebook, twitter, or some other internet site advertising their seeds. But you have to pay shipping for the "free seeds".
The PI assescion number listed in their description of Datils is for the USDA ARS-GRIN database. The photos in the database for that pepper don't exactly look right. You may get lucky, I don't know. I know the seed from NMSU is pretty good. I am still searching for better family lines, like Ahab for the white whale...
The PI assescion number listed in their description of Datils is for the USDA ARS-GRIN database. The photos in the database for that pepper don't exactly look right. You may get lucky, I don't know. I know the seed from NMSU is pretty good. I am still searching for better family lines, like Ahab for the white whale...

We shall see and I definitely will post photos at some point. I hope I get lucky. Are your Datil peppers slow compared to other chinense varieties? Mine seem to be extremely slow although they look healthy.
We shall see and I definitely will post photos at some point. I hope I get lucky. Are your Datil peppers slow compared to other chinense varieties? Mine seem to be extremely slow although they look healthy.

Mine grew pretty quickly, faster than most chinenses, but not like an orange hab.
Yup.... I just could find the link on his website. It was there before, now its gone.

Clarification from Pepper Joe...
I have absolutely NO affiliation with Regal Seeds.
I can see where the confusion comes in....some of the verbiage on this website (which I've never seen before but I just googled it) was taken from my website. It's obvious because it is exact verbiage that I used i.e. on the Charleston Hot Pepper.
For example it sez that "after 12 years of development, Phil Dukes recieved over 50,000 requests for seed when this plant was released" I knew about the 12 years of development and 50,000 requests firsthand because I met with Phil Dukes at the US Department of Agriculture Vegetable Lab in Charleston SC on Highway 17. We toured the 300 acres with Phil shortly after he released his new pepper and we had lunch with him. He's a great guy.
Also, I do have test gardens in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Myrtle Beach and Florida. One fellow member in this forum questioned me recently if the Florida location was in St. Augustine where Regal seeds is located.
Nope. It's on the other Coast in Fort Myers where my Brother Bill and his wife Veronika grow certain species of Chiles for me. I utilize these other locations to ascertain that our product grows well in a variety of climates. I just added a major farm in Michigan that has hundreds of acres. This is an effort to keep up with our growing business as well as to solve a problem that I had with Cross-pollination in a few of my Habanero seeds. I totally admit to that issue and gladly replaced or refunded our customers for those seeds. The Michigan location is large enough to spread out the peppers far enough to guarantee us of no cross pollination.
Also, I've read in a post here that Pepper Joe's still has drawings for our Hot Peppers instead of pictures. NOT TRUE.
Check out my Product page at http://www.pepperjoe.com/shoppingcart/html/pepper.html We've added many new pages loaded with pictures...many our own pics...two pics from Jeremy in this forum.. like at http://www.pepperjoe.com/hot-pepper-varieties/Chili-Pepper-pictures.html
Anyway gang, I'm just attempting to clafify some things in this forum.
Without tooting my own horn, we do hand extraction of several of the seeds that we sell. No machines, no Geneticly modified seeds, no chemicals. I don't charge extra for the Organic seeds which is a large part of our selection. We typically ship within 3 days of getting orders with no additional charge for rush delivery. We answer every single email personally usually within the same day...although as busy as we get the answers are sometimes brief...so we added a FAQ page to answer the most common questions much more extensively at http://www.pepperjoe.com/gardening-tips/faq/faq.html
Also, we've added 7 new website pages packed with hopefully useful information...like about the "Mighty Jalapeno Pepper" and "Growing Habaneros". :fireball:
Although our goal is to keep every customer satisfied 100% of the time, unfortunately that isn't always possible in a tiny amount of circumstances. But I'll stand on our Customer service record and think it's validated by our 13,000+ Newsletter subscribers that are very loyal to us and 6,000+ Facebook fans. I think you'll find their comments there 99% favorable at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pennys-Tomatoes-and-Pepper-Joes/204328085055 I think that amount of satisfied customers would be the pride of any company. By stayin in touch through these Social Networks like Facebook, Twitter and my Newsletter "Chile News & Views" it helps us to stay with our customers every step of the way. We don't 'Take their money and run'. We're right here.
We're a small family run business...but have had big compliments...like being on Martha Stewart Live, ABC News with Steve Levy, featured in the Philadelphia Daily News, Miami Herald, Baltimore Sun, LA Times, etc.
Sorry if I sound like I'm bragging...maybe I am a bit..but I just want to answer back to some posts that I've seen here.
If I need to correct any unresolved issues please contact me direct at pepperjoe@sc.rr.com
Anyway, bottom line I want to move forward, not backwards.
We're committed to providing a Superior product and outstanding service.
THANK YOU for listening. :lol:
Fiery Regards and Great Gardening,
Pepper Joe