
I have a couple questions if I may ask. Finding it difficult to find the peppers I would like I have to work with dried for the time being. So...What is a good method of rehydration and what is a good method of storage? Can peppers be canned?
eremite said:
I have a couple questions if I may ask. Finding it difficult to find the peppers I would like I have to work with dried for the time being. So...What is a good method of rehydration

bring a small amount of water to a boil. then put dried peppers into a glass bowl. pour water over peppers and cover they should plump up well. just like rehydrating dried shrooms. or if your makin soup just add them to the soup and they will come back. thats what i do.
eremite said:
I have a couple questions if I may ask. Finding it difficult to find the peppers I would like I have to work with dried for the time being. So...What is a good method of rehydration and what is a good method of storage? Can peppers be canned?

storing dried peppers? place in an airtight container, vaccuum packed if possible. store in a cool dark place. grind to flakes or powder if possible to reduce storage space. ensure the container is tightly sealed to stop moisture creeping in, use a gelpack if possible (I sometimes use grains of rice, it works the same as it does for salt shakers).

eat as quickly as possible so you can make some more. dried pods will keep for a long time if correctly dried and stored.
dried chiles last along time just make sure they're fully dried, & a air tight container is not always needed unless you plan on storing them for 10 years.
as for rehydrating chiles, I just throw them in the food I'm cooking & by the time the meal is done the chiles are soft. to much work soaking the chiles before adding them to the meal you're cooking. & sometimes certain meals its not a big deal to have chiles a little crunchy.
i only soak if its a dry meal if there is liquid i just throw them in the meal. plus i use the soaking liquid for soup so it all gets used. never waste anything.
VtPepper said:
i only soak if its a dry meal if there is liquid i just throw them in the meal. plus i use the soaking liquid for soup so it all gets used. never waste anything.

When you throw them in do you at least halve them to release all of the so called goodies or just whole? How does this compare with grinding them up and throwing them in? I realize that alot of this is trial and error but I like to shortcut it a little.
eremite said:
When you throw them in do you at least halve them to release all of the so called goodies or just whole? How does this compare with grinding them up and throwing them in? I realize that alot of this is trial and error but I like to shortcut it a little.

it depends on how hot you want it and what you want the presentation to look like. if i am looking for a little heat but pretty presentaion i go whole. if i want some heat and a nice presention i go halve. and if i want super heat and don't care about the presentaion you can grind them. thats the way i do it. i like spending time in the kitchen so sometimes i go the hard way like presoaking the peppers.
My wife and I have the discussion often about it looking pretty. It has to be pretty and have color. The fact is that I'm not only new to the pepper scene but I am also new to the cooking scene. I have started my cooking career the easy way, the crock pot. I have very good receipes for chili and spaghetti sauce etc and I want to control the heat more than anything. As I tell my wife the chili is for ME and it will be hot not pretty. I thank you for the differences that you use as a guide, it's interesting.
If you make your chili like I do just put the whole chilie in because by the time it is done the chilie will be soften or broken up. In some cooking powder would be better too. VtPepper is right on how to rehydrate.
