seeds-germination Reimer seeds

Habman, your tomatoes should be alright, at least I didn't have any issues with mine from Reimer's.
I grew the Ildi one year(from Canadian tire, not Reimer's)) and it was very prolific with a unique sweet/acid taste. Not my personal favorite for eating but good and looks awesome.
Are you growing some of these varieties this year?
RedThumb said:
Maybe yours will turn out to be Bhut Jolokias! :P

Butt joke is more likely

Pam said:
I got a free pack of the Fruit Basket seeds from Park Seed when I ordered some flower seeds this spring. They seem to be doing very well in the hanging basket pot they're in, and are covered in peppers. They've just started turning yellow this week. I'm really hoping they're tasty, because they've been very easy to grow.

Great let me know how they turn out.

chilliman64 said:
I have no resistance to seed sellers and I doubt a flimsy foil hat will help. better go put on the good old Devo Energy Dome for ultimate protection!

ROFL Gotta love the 80's :lol:

I grew the Ildi one year(from Canadian tire, not Reimer's)) and it was very prolific with a unique sweet/acid taste. Not my personal favorite for eating but good and looks awesome.
Are you growing some of these varieties this year?

Yeah I figured the Ildi is more of novelty tomato. The plant looks amazing.

This year I may have Orange Blossom, Black Krim, BrandyWine, Sweetie Cherry, White Queen, Amish paste, Roma.
It's a long story but out of 45 tomato plants only 6 survived and I did not tag them correctly so I have no clue what I'm growing.
I hope Orange Blossom, Black Krim and BrandyWine made it.
They sure have a well developed website. I probably would purchase from them for seeds based on the content of the site and comprehensive growing tips as well as the "120 day guarantee". I think I'll believe what you all have to say about them and most likely buy from Cross Country for next year. This is my first year with chiles. If all goes well I'll be growing many more next year. So far so good. I think I need to pot up though.
I knoe ima sound left out but um..I bought sum from pepper-joe..the white habs out of 12 seeds 4 germinated.but i think it was ma fault..:violin:
Donni Sali are allover ebay as super hot chiles - why have I only just heard about them? sounds like bs to me. maybe Reimer have an ebay account...
chilliman64 said:
Donni Sali are allover ebay as super hot chiles - why have I only just heard about them? sounds like bs to me. maybe Reimer have an ebay account...

Nope I just purchased 200 seeds packs of Donni Sali from reimer and selling them on ebay.


just kidding :think:
Pam said:
I buy from:

I get most of the heirloom and open-pollinated varieties from them, but I also get some seeds from: and even

I haven't found any one company that carries as many interesting sounding varieties as Reimer's, but I have found that getting viable seed that is what it says it is to be more important.

Well Pam i took ur word for it..and i orered from Seedofchange...Lets see wat happends LOL..but I have to wait till next year
Turkey said:
Well Pam i took ur word for it..and i orered from Seedofchange...Lets see wat happends LOL..but I have to wait till next year
Seeds of Change is excellent. I use them ALOT. Not one single problem and they always include a free packet of seeds with every one of my orders. (and they are all organic!)