Repotting Bhuts.

Sorry I aint posted yet in the introduction thread..I will get around to it eventually!
I got some Ghost pepper seeds from a local resident here in the R.P (Philippines) and they are rare here..
Out of like a hundred seeds,only 2 germinated.. 6 months on and I have pods.. We had really hot weather here for 5 months (No rain)
and now its raining season.. raining every day and not much sunlight due to dense cloud..
The plant is in a 16 Liter pot and the roots are now thick on the surface..
Is it OK to re-pot the plant into something much bigger when it already has peppers on it or should I just wait? I really would like this thing to grow huge if I can get it to do that.
Bare in mind,I really want tons of seeds for next year so it must not die!.
Question 2.
As we dont get winter here and lowest temp is around 25c what should I do with the plant after it has finished production this year?
Cut it back hard or just moderately or just leave it? 
 Thanks in advance..Done a lot of reading here and this is a top Chili forum!


it wont ever finish "producing" if your minimum temp is 25C.
pepper plants are actually perennials so continue to grow and fruit continually assuming the conditions stay correct for it.
so, you dont need to cut it back at all :)
edit; and yes its fine to re-pot it with peppers on it. Put it in a huge pot, and with your never ending season it should grow huge
nzchili said:
it wont ever finish "producing" if your minimum temp is 25C.
pepper plants are actually perennials so continue to grow and fruit continually assuming the conditions stay correct for it.
so, you dont need to cut it back at all :)
edit; and yes its fine to re-pot it with peppers on it. Put it in a huge pot, and with your never ending season it should grow huge
ditto + 2 
nzchili said:
it wont ever finish "producing" if your minimum temp is 25C.
pepper plants are actually perennials so continue to grow and fruit continually assuming the conditions stay correct for it.
so, you dont need to cut it back at all :)
edit; and yes its fine to re-pot it with peppers on it. Put it in a huge pot, and with your never ending season it should grow huge
That`s encouraging news..  Shall I just hunt for the biggest pot/container I can find or should I re pot up the size gradually?
Edit: Sorry,scrub that question....Just reread your post which say "Huge pot"..
mpicante said:
Hello and welcome.I'd 15-20 gallon container would be adequate.By the your plant looks really nice.
Thank you.. I topped it after a month and pruned it regularly since as I wanted the stem thick/strong.. Can get windy here this time of year.
I repotted my bhut from 15 liter to 50 liter, and the one thing I learned is that it takes probably 3 weeks for the roots to really stretch out into their new home. Try not to overwater before then, otherwise the soil will stay very soggy which the pepper does not like.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Best of luck but most of all I hope that really is a ghost plant! 
Didn't want to say it, but ditto. Those peppers look smooth and shiny. My ghost has large leaves with rough and bumpy pods that taper to a point.
Now I`m intrigued.. First hotty ive ever grown apart from scotch bonnets 3/4 years ago..
The American that gave them to me said they were ghost pepper.. I`m a Brit though so what would I know!
Taken some more pics to help get a real I.D of what they are.
The leaves were pretty big before I topped it but then were far smaller after..


I must admit I did think that the peppers were a bit smooth..I guess I assumed they would knarl up a bit as they matured..

So from these pics can you say that they are definitely not Ghost peppers?
Need an accurate ID please!
Thinking back he gave me a dried pod that definitely looked ghost pepper..he also gave me some seeds in a zip bag.. I assumed they were the same.
Easiest way to ID them is for me to ask him when i see him next.

This looks similar though.
Thanks for the advice.. Re-potted it OK.. Not sure how big the pot is in gallons?? Its about 2 ft across and 27 inches high..
Its so heavy now I dont think I could re-pot that thing again.. so it will have to do!!
I`ll update the thread as it grows bigger.. (or when the chilli`s develop their final colour for I.D etc)