Reserve your bees NOW!

Having trouble pollinating your chiles! Don't wait…. take matters into your own hands. Remember, you can't say your serious about Chile growing until you own you're very own Apiary. Call Now!

My Little Apiary
wish i knew more about the raising of bees, 2009 i had bees all over the neighbourhood, 2010 i could count the number of bees on 1 hand, think i even made a post about the lack of bees in my area.

After interacting with HawaiiAl, he put me onto the spreading of anise oil to possibly attract bees, i couldn't find the oil essense but i did have anise seeds, so i made a tea and put it into a spray bottle and periodically sprayed around the house.......don't think it work....possibly because there were so few bees to attract.
Michael my man I dig your enthusiasm! Three pounds of bees--incredible. You going to set up a hive for them or let them do it on their own? Good luck man.
If in PA if you have 1 hive or 200 you have to register with the Dept. of Agriculture. I am not sure about the rest of the U.S.

My neighbors would kill me before the Dept. of Ag. ever came to look at them. Can you have them delivered to an ex's house? :twisted:
Last summer we had a colony of bumble bees take up residence right inside the wall of our garage, after the queen had found a small opening to enter into the wall.

My pepper plants were right beside the entrance to their makeshift seasonal shelter and needless to say, I had very good pollination success on my tomato and pepper plants last summer.

And as an added plus, the bees didn't bother any one and no one got stung, but they may have kept the mice from entering into the garage.

I think in previous years, mice were using the same entrance hole to gain access to the garage, but last year there seemed to be fewer of them getting caught in the traps set out for them.

I also was looking into keeping honey bees this coming summer and picked up the book 'Beekeeping for Dummies' and learned quite a bit about the ins and outs of beginner beekeeping...fascinating hobby.

If I had more room and $$ I'd love to get a couple hives. These folks have a very informative website about bee keeping: Basic Beekeeping
I read that bees are responsible for about a third of our food production because of pollination.
I've got my own hive. Last summer a swarm moved into a chest of drawers in my garage. I use the drawers to store my elec tools. The top drawer was open about 1/2 an in and so they moved in. Next day I went to a local beekeeper and begged an old bee box with some wax frames in it. I placed that on a bag of chaff right next to the drawer and they all happily moved in. I now have bees galore in my garden.
I was fascinated by beekeeping as a child. Now I wonder if it is possible to keep a very small beehive in your garden. Can't find much info. No real need for them. But it's kinda cool, isn't it. Anyone know? I'm googling later. Too many bees will be a bit of a trouble of course in the middle of a neighborhood. Also don't know about regulations.
I was fascinated by beekeeping as a child. Now I wonder if it is possible to keep a very small beehive in your garden. Can't find much info. No real need for them. But it's kinda cool, isn't it. Anyone know? I'm googling later. Too many bees will be a bit of a trouble of course in the middle of a neighborhood. Also don't know about regulations.

Just get a half size nuke(nucleus) box and nobody would ever know the difference.