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bottling Reusing old hot sauce bottles and other bottle ????

I like to reuse my old bottles and lids when they are empty or if I buy some sauce that I don't like. I thoroughly clean them inside and out with hot water and dish soap+ clorox and rinse well. Inside most of the plastic lids there is a round piece of waxy paper that seals against the glass when tightened. Can you leave that paper in and clean it with the rest of the bottle or should you discard it and find a place to buy new paper discs?
I ordered a dozen 5 ounce glass bottles from Amazon last night. They come with removable splasher discs. I like the idea of being able to dab my hot sauce a little spritz at a time however I don't know if I want it that watery. Has anyone experimented on how thick hot sauce can be and still pass through the small openings? It seems to me that if you can see any seasonings/spices whatsoever floating in your sauce that it would have issues clogging. Maybe the splasher bottles are designed more for tabasco style sauces and not "hot" sauces in general?
The bottles I reuse, and the liner in the woozys I have is a plastic-lined foam with a plastic lid. After the initial use, I sterilize everything, flip the liner over, and reuse it one more time, ONLY for home use, and it goes in the fridge.  Anything going out the door gets its own new lid and/or bottle set.  I am, after all, my favorite guinea pig.
cmwr said:
Thank you. I am reusing one bottle right now that has a skinny neck with a wooden lid. The opening has no reducer but is small enough in itself that you have to shake to get sauce out. Even if bottle has water in it the water wont pour out without shaking. I wish I could find more bottles like this but havent yet.
just found these for another post-
more info on caps and sanitation in Making Hot Sauce 101
Have Fun!
Call the companies directly.  Their online shipping has different defaults.  30 caps would fit in a SFRB or an even smaller box with first class shipping.  They might have to manually key in the order.
freightrain12 said:
Hello! Everything I am finding to buy new caps has a shipping charge of at least $16.00 - Is there a place to get shipping cheaper? Looking to buy 30 caps for my bottles. Thanks.
Hey Frieghttrain did you ever get a hold of them. I'm running into the same scenario as you. I have friends who is getting me about 2 dz of those bottles a week and I would to see if I can just get the caps. Let me know if you followed through and if possible what price quote they gave you to include any deals.