• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

rhm3769 2015 Glog - few pics....

Some kind of update is needed here....

I started this adventure back in 2012 growing white habs and Butch t's in containers on an 8th floor balcony. Mostly beginner's luck on that season.
2013 didnt work out as good, I moved and ended up with quite a few 4'x4' beds, alot of mystery mixes and dealing with horn worms and gophers.... 2014 was another move and I was reduced to a single 8'x5' raised bed. Transplants and some attempted over winters from 2013, nothing survived, but I had tomatoes growing like weeds from the compost pile. 2014 was cut short by a midyear move. I started a super chili in a solo cup and managed to get a few from it before the so cal "cold" moved in and I moved yet again.

2015, just relocated to North Carolina, got some small areas in the yard for a bit of gardening. Just put seeds in starting mix in a tray.

A mix of mystery sweets, hoping for 2 plants
7 pot Douglah, red
Rocoto Amarillo
A variety I acquired in Okinawa, Japan

As a side project, I'm trying to get my son into gardening, so I have some cucumbers and he insisted on some dwarf sunflowers.

I'm looking at getting everything outside either in the ground or in pots sometime early april.
deadmongoose said:
Good luck on your grow, from one Marine to another. I spent 3 years in Lejeune, unfortunately the barracks don't allow for much pepper growing while I was there. Let me know if you need any seeds, I have a few extra varieties including some Carolina Reapers.
my tour in Okinawa for me into gardening and it was a buddy who got me to growing peppers....
I appreciate the offer, but I have more seed than I can plant this season.... was only looking at growing 8 plants, I have 30+ varieties. .. if everything germs, I'm already over 8 varieties. ...

I find it funny all I have luck so far this season with are wilds....

And I just added some PDN to the tray....
Kind of glad I dont have a rushing need to plant out yet (mostly because I only have hooks right now) because we're expecting a hard freeze this weekend....
no changes yet, two hooks each for the C01225 and TC07246. ...
Let everything get some sun this afternoon.

Planning on starting the hardening off process with the cucumbers and sunflowers. Hopefully the sun helps with germination, and it'll at least reduce the hardening off time when everything decides to pop....
Got some plans over the next few days....

Currently no forecasted freezes, read a few places the last frost date in my area is around 4/15.... but I'm feeling daring....
work over the soil in my garden corner.... I'm curious to see if it was actually a garden bed or if the previous owners just dumped the inside of a raised bed there.... planning on expanding it about a foot to make it closer to 8'x8'
Then gonna work in some vermaculite and ferts.... forgot the brand I have but its similar to tomato tone. That will be followed with some waterings of fish emulsions and seaweed extracts....
I think its more a test to see how the neighbors handle the work and what pests it'll attract than anything.... but it'd be nice to get everything pumping since I'm getting a later start than anticipated, even more so since the majority of my seeds havent even popped yet....
Losing the cucumbers and sunflowers. ... all of them are leggy, they popped much sooner than I expected followed by some colder days so they couldn't be planted out yet and there wasnt much of a chance to work on hardening them off.... if they aren't too leggy, they've got some pretty bad sunburn....
compared to my peppers, I had 100% on the cucumbers and about 80% on the sunflowers.
Will grab a pic or two after work today.... They've survived 2 nights outside, loving the 60f night temps and 80f day temps....
One of the chocolate habs popped, too....
TC0???? I gotta look back through the posts for it, new phone....

C01225(?). Gotta look at the posts

Chocolate habs.... Doesn't show in the picture but there's 3 of them....
Relocated the tray to the front of the house.... Supposed to be rainy all week, they'll at least be covered there so I won't have to worry about the tray flooding....

Nothing new with them, growing slow.... Thinking of making a weak feeding of seaweed extract and fish emulsion soon....
Nothing of interest to post, rained all last week, warmed up Saturday and they got a nice bit if sun.... Only have the two wilds and chocolate habs, the datil and rocoto went down from helmet head....
Hoping to get some work on the garden area today if it stops raining, haven't planted out yet....
Posting a pic tonight, think I've got the spider mites, not sure though as I've seen an actual spider hanging around, but the web I'm seeing now is different than the web when I first saw the little guy....
Assuming the webs aren't from spider mites from some research on them.... Things are still going pretty bad.... About 60 days from sowing seeds and just now really getting the first true leaves....
Surprised, came home the other day to find the TC0#### seedlings dry and crispy.... Added water to the tray as everything obviously needed it, thinking those two were lost.... Next morning they were back and green and waiting for the morning sun.... Some of the cotyledons are damaged towards the ends, but surprised they came back....
So there's a bare spot in the yard where the previous owners either had a raised bad or a sandbox.... The wife said I can do whatever with that spot, in addition to the little garden corner, as long as its not a sandbox....

Gonna use the corner for cucumber, maybe get some tomato going and a pepper plant or two and build a raised bed over the bare spot for the other peppers....