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rhm3769 2015 Glog - few pics....

Some kind of update is needed here....

I started this adventure back in 2012 growing white habs and Butch t's in containers on an 8th floor balcony. Mostly beginner's luck on that season.
2013 didnt work out as good, I moved and ended up with quite a few 4'x4' beds, alot of mystery mixes and dealing with horn worms and gophers.... 2014 was another move and I was reduced to a single 8'x5' raised bed. Transplants and some attempted over winters from 2013, nothing survived, but I had tomatoes growing like weeds from the compost pile. 2014 was cut short by a midyear move. I started a super chili in a solo cup and managed to get a few from it before the so cal "cold" moved in and I moved yet again.

2015, just relocated to North Carolina, got some small areas in the yard for a bit of gardening. Just put seeds in starting mix in a tray.

A mix of mystery sweets, hoping for 2 plants
7 pot Douglah, red
Rocoto Amarillo
A variety I acquired in Okinawa, Japan

As a side project, I'm trying to get my son into gardening, so I have some cucumbers and he insisted on some dwarf sunflowers.

I'm looking at getting everything outside either in the ground or in pots sometime early april.
Trident chilli said:
Hope this spot is the beginning of a successful growing season ... best of luck
Its just more space than I planned.... Was actually being "responsible" this year and leaving space for other things and not spending spending spending on garden stuff....
So I just lost everything except the chocolate habs.... Guessing the morning sun and the black germination tray were heating the roots way too much and drying everything out too fast.... Chocolate habs are in a different starting container....
A bit late to be restarting, but I'll be getting some seeds sown again today or tomorrow.... A quick job, not even going to label anything.... Sow some seeds, what comes up comes up and what survives to transplant is what I'll have for the year....

Nothing special as far as setting up the grow area, we'll be moving in February again....
Thanks. My biggest issue, I think, was jumping the gun and leaving them outside 24/7 instead of just during the warm parts of the day.... We went from sunny and 60-70 down to 40s at night then rainy and 60s for a week and then 50s and 60s and cloudy and windy to full sun and breaking 80 the last month.... If they went inside overnight, they'd have more growth and potted up, but nothing went as planned....
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
My problem was hardening then bringing back inside... now I have aphids and spider mites inside
It wasn't even worth the effort trying to bring them back inside and try to convince the wife they were clean, pretty sure I got something living in/on them after being outside 24/7 for at least a month.... And quarantining them to the garage would have helped very little, so they stayed outside....
Maybe not the best plan, but I'm thinking of just putting the starting mix directly in the tray and scattering seeds in it and leaving it at that instead of keeping everything separate....
What I did was take mini solo cups and yes. Putting a handful of seeds. . From there I let them grow to 2 sets of true leaves. Then separate
My past germ trays had plastic inserts and those worked fine for me.... Just trying to use what I have rather than buying a bunch if stuff, even if its cheap items.... Things are going to get tight in a few months when my classes end and I'm not getting the GI Bill money and we try to start saving a bit to start looking for a house to buy instead of renting....

I'm trying to get the seeds in the tray tonight....

My chocolate habs, the only thing to survive so far this year....

That's a spider on the biggest plant....
New seeds in the tray Saturday night.... Just a random mix of stuff, including Santa fe grande, white habs and brown moruga scorpions. I have others but will have to check the list to see what I mixed in....
Picking up stuff for the new raised bed today.... Going for 4'x8'x6" and working on it over the next few days in between homework....
No taproots yet from the new seeds....
Chocolate habs are working on third sets of true leaves....
Grabbed 5 2-cu ft bags of miracle grow garden soil and cedar boards to make a 4'x8' bed. I got the store's sale price plus my employee discount plus a $10 off coupon since it was over $50. Spent $56 after a $30+ savings....
Planning on starting the raised bed today.... Messed up and had all of the cedar boards cut to 4' lengths, was only considering fitting everything in the car rather than how it will fit together....

So I got 6 cedar boards each at 1" x4'x6" and a 2" x2" I planned on cutting to 6" pieces....

Making the bed 4'x8', one 2" x2" in each corner and considering how to join the lengths to make 8' sides and have it strong enough to hold up for a year, at least, but still be easy to take apart for transporting it when we move in Feb....

Going to work some vermiculite and compost/fertilizer into the layer of sand and top layer of soil under the sand and then start working in one bag of the MG garden and vegetable soil into that and then top with the rest of the MG soil I bought and start with moving one of the chocolate hab seedlings into it....
Broke up the top layer of the ground, mixed in some vermiculite and some dry fert similar to tomato-tome, then mixed in 2 cu ft of the MG garden soil, gave it a good soaking then filled it with 8 more cu ft of the garden soil followed by another good soaking....
Put one chocolate hab in the bed late yesterday. It got about an hour of sun before I watered it. Been about 12 hours, no negative effects so far.... Will be putting in the other two later today....