I had to add this one too .... 

So I am wondering...peppers can have X amount of capsaicin in them. Lets say Butch T = 1,400,000 scoville and pepper X has 1,100,000. So the Butch T obviously has a higher scoville rating. But if pepper X has a higher amount of oil inside to carry the capsaicin in. Then would it be possible for that to be a factor in the intensity of the heat. Instead of chewing a pepper with less oil but a higher SHU. As my point being the oil absorbs into the tongue, throat, and what not increasing the amount of capsaicin that stays in the mouth, rather than it getting chewed and going down into the stomach with a pepper containing less oil. Hence making the pepper appear hotter but having a lower SHU.
Excuse me sir, but have you been drinking tonight?