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condiment Roasted Habanero BBQ Sauce

My wife and I decided to forego the traditional Easter ham and smoke a pork butt. Why not? It's been summer-like here since January.

Today, while waiting for the magic of smoke and meat, I decided to whip up some real dang hot BBQ sauce. This sauce is tasty but really brings the heat. It's still simmering on the stove right now so this is a FRESH recipe!

If anyone tries this I'm currious as to how it would work on wings...just add butter ...who knows?

Roasted Habanero BBQ Sauce

Roast in Skillet:

24 Habaneros
8 Cloves of Garlic
1 medium Sweet Onion, cut in half

1 1/2 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Cup Brown Sugar
1/4 Cup molasees
1 teaspoon Kosher Salt
Black Pepper to taste
Dash Wostershire
Dash Honey

For skillet roasting a cast iron skillet is best. Medium heat. Put Habaneros, garlic cloves ( with skin still on) and onion ( sliced side down, skin still on) ) in dry skillet. Move them around periodically until they are well roasted…about 20 minutes. Remove from heat. Using gloves, remove seeds and stems from Habaneros and place in blender. Remove skin from garlic and onions and add to blender. Add about a 1/4 cup of vinegar to help blend. Add the salt and pepper at this time. Blend well until liquid.

In medium saucepan add about a cup of vinegar. Medium heat. Add the contents of blender. Stir. Add cup of brown sugar and stir to dissolve. If desired, add dash of Wostershire, honey and the molasses, but these are optional.
Let simmer for 30 minutes to one hour.
chuk hell said:
It made about a pint as I recall.

Seeds or no seeds...I still don't see the big deal here.

When I think of BBQ sauce I don't think of a bunch of chile seeds in it. Wrong texture .... but honestly....it shouldn't make that big of a difference. It got really blown out of proportion here.

Anyway, the sauce was hot as all get-out...which probably has more to do with the heat level of the chiles used than anything else.

Certainly not my intention to blow anything out of proportion. My theory is that when removing the seeds you will remove the membrane that holds them to pepper - this would infact remove some of the heat.

No biggie either way. REcipe sounds great.
Recipe does sound great. Thanks Chuk! I'm all for both versions. Seeds and no seeds. Same recipe, just two different looks, textures, and most likely different heat levels. Go for it Huv!!