• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

RocketMan 2014 - Resurrection

Wow, first growing season in the new house and I'm totally stoked for this one. Lots of prep work still to be done but there's plenty of time to get it done before plant out. So, here is a pic of where Pepper Row will be going in:


I'll be coming out about another 18 to 24 inches from the fence. The brick line will move out to the new edge and the Ivey will be kept cut back to wher it is now so the fence doesn't show through, she who must be obeyed has made it known that she doesn't want to see it :)

I'm still working on the list and as these will probably be in for a while I'm actually thinking about rather a short list using the peppers I use most often in sauces but can't get locally like Fataliis and planting 3 or 4 of each.

The other, non-pepper stuff will be growing in the big bed at the end of the row. We'll be putting in raised beds there but first I have to remove this bast@rd:
Hey, buddy, glad they arrived safe and sound.  My Ajis dried at 105˚ germinated just great,
so the seeds from those pods should be good to go.  Plant lots to be sure!
Long time no see read up da glog Bill, seems it's killa as your previous ones …
Killer giftage from Paul. Rick and others, super looking grow log software, great garden layout, owl on the screen looks bitchin, did you build the cool spice boxes, awesome looking ferments as usual …
You must be loving life at the new plantation in Titusville, keep up da awesome work brethren \o/
Plants are continuing to love this cooler weather. I haven't had such nicely filled out plants with a beautiful lush green color in my grow till this year so, thanks to all who have helped with advice and guidance over the past couple of years!





Fatalii, leaves look a little odd to me on these. I may have gotten a little off on my tray maps so I can't wait to see what the pods on these come out as :)


Plants lookin good RM, nice and green.
God I miss green.
Its gonna be a loooong winter.
I agree that Fatalii looks suspicious.  It looks healthy though, whatever it is!
Those root pouches look like they are treating you well. 
Will you have to bring the plants in at night at all?
RocketMan said:
Plants are continuing to love this cooler weather. I haven't had such nicely filled out plants with a beautiful lush green color in my grow till this year so, thanks to all who have helped with advice and guidance over the past couple of years!





Fatalii, leaves look a little odd to me on these. I may have gotten a little off on my tray maps so I can't wait to see what the pods on these come out as :)


Very nice looking plants Bill, I'm glad to see you're well on your way to a decent harvest this coming season! That's gonna be a lotta potential ferment. :dance:
Did you ever figure out what was chewing on your leaves?
Thanks y'all, it's nice after thinking did lost everything to see a comeback like this.

Andy, yes sir, I'm keeping my eye in it. Can't wait to see it produce a pod and what it comes out like. As for bringing them in at night, I haven't seen a night clost to 35 in quite a while, thanks Florida, I think I'll just let them ride it out as they are and see what happens.

I never did figure it out, well, I'll wait and see what
Happen5 defree at the beginning of next season
Quick little update, the plants are doing great.



Still have no idea what these 2 are. Guess I'll have to wait for some pods to set to figure it out but the one on the left is sure getting big!


It sure was a nice surprise to find these too



They're both MOA Scotch Bonnets.
Thanks for stopping by, hoping for us all to have great grow years!
Yes, very nice buddy!  I wonder if your mystery plant is a 7 Pot?  
Mine always seem to be among the largest plants in the grow.
Great job getting Scotch Bonnets to throw flowers Bill! I think they're one of my all-time favorite sauce-making peppers. :drooling:
I'm glad to see your plants are thriving now too! We're still about 12 weeks away from spring here, so it does my heart good to see your progress. Cheers!
I'm a big fan of not-currently-stinging-me wasps, too.  They seem especially effective at preying on soft-bodied pests like cabbage worms.  The one in that photo looks a little annoyed, though.  Hope it didn't nail you.
Nice plants.