• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

RocketMan's Glog - Starting Second Season

Finally getting around to germinating my seeds to start growing some peppers. I took 14 varities out of the 42 in my seed library (Special thanks to everyone that helped out with seeds) and some of the old pill bottles I had saved (usually that's where I keep the screws I collect when I strip out an old computer system) then added 8 seeds to the bottles and filled with water. Going to let the seeds soak for 24 hours, then place on coffee filters and back into the bottles till its time to plant them. Here's a shot on the bottles:


The 14 I picked are:

1. Peruvian White Hab......................Pic1
2. Jamaican Hot Chocolate...............Pic1
3. Douglah......................................Pic1
4. Fatalii.........................................Pic1
5. Trinidad Scorpion Butch T............Pic1
6. Datil...........................................Pic1
7. Red Savina Hab..........................Pic1
8. Jamaican Red Scotch Bonnet......Pic1
9. Chocolate Hab............................Pic1
10. Black Hab................................Pic1
11. Trinidad Scorpion Yellow...........Pic1
12. 7/Pot Red................................Pic1
13. Bhut Jolokia.............................Pic1
14. No heat Jalapeno.....................FyrDad4
*Thank you Gentlemen

I really wanted to get a nice cross section of heat levels and to grow some peppers that I hear alot of talk about but can't find locally. most of them will be going into sauces however if I happen to get a really good crop of peppers I might have to look into drying some and making some powders. This is the first year that I'm growing peppers from seeds. I've planted Jalapeno and Habs that I picked up from Lowes or Home Depot before but never really done the research and gotten the dirt under my fingers.
I thought about whether to use Peat Pellets or Rock Wool but right now i'm thinking about just going with some good soil or a seed starting mix and I already have a bunch of Red Solo Cups. I'm planning on 6 or 8 holes in the bottom of the cup so I can bottom water them and I might place some up and down the sides so that some air can get in.

I'm really looking forward to this and if it goes good I might even be able to convince the boss to let me take a section of the back yard and put in a garden. Might even put in a flower or 2, well so long as they're edible that is.

Thanks for stopping by and check back I'll be here.

Thanks for stopping by,
Publix had Roma's for 79 cents a pound and some nice looking Jalapenos and Habaneros so there was only one thing I could do.


I put enough wood in for about a 3 hour smoke and the smoker set at 110 degrees F last night. This morning removed them to the oven at 175.


I really need to get a dehydrator but priorities have to be set and my new Bass is first on the list. Probably be another 24 hours or so to finish drying and then the Habs get started. Cant wait to sample some smoked Sun-dired Toms..

Note to self, next time put the Toms on the bottom.
I say get the dehydrator first. You can get a cheap one for around $35. A new bass will be hundreds (at least), so $35 won't push your purchase date back too far. ;)

So what kind of music are you playing?
Mostly I with the praise band at church but I've been known to play some country, rock, blues, blue grass. Pretty much all but funk, hip hip and such.

Found a dehydrator I want, Nesco, but it's about $100.00. Been looking in eBay also but have found any OMG deals on them yet.

Have a great weekend Bonnie
Cool! I play on the praise band at church too, except I play acoustic guitar, and sing sometimes. As a matter of fact, I should be practicing right now, instead of hanging out here, LOL!

Where I live, the humidity levels are so low that the dehydrator is probably optional, because things air dry so quickly. I would think that with all the humidity and rain you guys get down there, that you would have mold issues with air drying. I've heard of people using the oven on a very low temperature to dry them too. You might consider looking into that option for now.

Looking at your jalapenos smoking makes me want to try that too! Now I just have to get the hubby on board, since I'm not certified on that piece of equipment. ;)
I started out on 6 string acoustic, Ibanez, and electric, Fender Strat. Played rhythm and vocals, with a band while I was stationed in Germany. We were most all from Texas so we called ourselves Texas Connection. Had a lot of fun. When I was in San Antonio we had a Praise band that was just 2 guys on 6 String so I bought an A/E Bass and jumped in the following week.

Here's the final shot of the toms. All sealed in 3 oz packs.

I just lucked into a once used 4 shelf electric smoker from my dad. I picked it up solely for the purpose of smoking peppers. I agree, get a dehydrator but make sure you get one with temperature control. You will love the way those jalapenos turn out if you dehydrate and turn to flake or powders. What kind of wood did you use for the smoke?
The one I have takes these wood pucks and I was using Apple for these. The toms came out amazingly good now I need to get some other woods to play with. Here are a couple of garden shots:

the, sickly hopefully recovering, Butch T



the Douglah is flowereing


and the Jalapeno still has 2 pods on it.

Happy Labor Day Y'all
Oh, not hatin on Hip Hop or Rap. One of the songs we did was the original Rap song. Back before Rap became popular, I mean before even Sugarhill Gang released Rappers Delight there was a group known as Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen and they did the Original Rap song, just wasn't called Rap, called Hot Rod Lincoln. You can still find it on You Tube. It was redone by Asleep At The Wheel also.
Just a quick IPhone update since it was nice outside this morning.


Butch T




I got my 3 gallon root bags yesterday and I'm considering whether or not I want to transfer them over from the 3 gallon nursary pots they're currently in.

have a great weekend all
Bill. The root pouches will allow your plants to dry out much faster . I strongly recommend it. Might want to cut off all the nasty foilage as well.

You have a geat weekend too!
Yep, I did the same thing Denniz. I got 25 new root pouches this week and I think I'm going to be moving them all over to them as well as potting some up. I have 2 herloom tomatoes also that I'm either going to move into the pouches or just put in the ground. Hopefull I'll get some fall toms from them. These should also make some really good sundried tomatoes too.

Finished, well almost finished, I ran all the smoked and dried pods through my Ninja and it powdered them pretty well but I think I still need to get a coffee grinder to get it to a finner powder consistency. Here's a shot of the powder as it is now. It has a great smoke flavor and pretty good heat.


This shot brings to mind the age old powder question whether to glean the seeds out or leave them in?

Decisions, decisions, oh, this powder also had a really good sneeze factor too.

:) thanks for stopping,
Glad you went with the root pouches great price for them actually saw them on Home depot website a 10 pack was the same price for a 25 pack. Hopefully they help you out as they have for me. Awesome powder I am actually doing flakes over powder for this next batch of peppers.
I'm going to start transfering them over tonight after the kids are in bed and moving them to another location in the yard where they should get better light.

I've been thinking about it all morning and I'm wondering if I were to put the powder back into the Ninja and run it for maybe 5 minutes if it would make it a finer powder. The small one has 2 rows of blades so I might try it before I go buy a coffee grinder.
Bill , you may want to pot them down rather than up. Much easier to regulate. What type of soil are you using?

My peppers looked just like yours a month ago. I pumped them with some NPK and once they were able to start drying out on a regualr basis bam. You saw my last update and how they are turning around.
