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RocketMan's Sauce - And Now For Something Completely Different

My daughter has a friend that has been after me to develop a sauce that uses an, well lets just say an ingredient not normally used in hot sauces. Now after researching it a bit I know why, It's a real b***h to use in sauces. So any way I have been thinking on this for a while and I just about have an idea on how to use it. Here's the catch, in the picture, shall we say teaser, below is the "Mystery" ingredient along with 3 other ingredients that should be easy to identify. Ok, so the mystery ingredient is aso easy, at least to me it is. So, the first person to correctly identify the 4 items pictured will get a bottle of the new sauce along with a bottle of the first sauce I ever made by fermentation and still wheebz most favorite, Haba-peno.

Also I'm looking for a name for the new sauce so if you want to take a shot at a name for the new one, if I pick the name, you too will get the 2 bottles of sauce.

Here's the pic, have fun.

Oh Gawd...

The only one of those I know for sure is the Presto Log.

You could call it 'Hearth Heat' :rofl:

I have no idea RM. this will be fun to watch tho.

I suspect Romy6 might be on your 6 !
Oh, good guess HNB but not right. Ok, who's next to name the mystery ingredient/

And still looking for a name.

Okay - I got it!!!!!!

Horseradish root, plantain, cachucha, and a hab????????

And we have a winner!!!!!!!!!!

Yes Horseradish is it. i was thinking maybe using Wasbi but do you know how much 1 raisome it, it's crazy how much they want for it. I did find a place in Oregon that wasn't as bad as alot of the others are though. I may one day try it.

Way to go CJ! Now based on the mystery ingredient who has a great name?
I hope everyonr had fun trying to figure out the mystery ingredient. I have just a little more tweaking to do on the flavor profile and then Porbably Monday i'll get to making some sauce.

Have a great weekend everyone and don't forget to be thinking on a name for 2 bottles of sauce.
