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RocketMan's Skunk Works, X-15 experimental sauce

Deep inside the secret facility at The Launch Pad is RocketMan's Skunk Works. This is where new sauce development is conducted and strange and wonderful flavors combine with spicy Hot Peppers to become an explosion, somewhere between an 8 pound Cannon and a Nuclear Warhead on your tongue. Let's take a look at what's currently going on :)

Starting off is a Jamaican Hot Sauce that is about half way through its fermentation. It includes some very interesting ingredients like Golden Raisins.


Next to that is The Original Fire Mission Hot Sauce (formerly known as Haba-Peno), Yum!


This picture proves that even The RocketMan isn't free from getting a Kahm Yeast ;)

Ground Zero next, this is a sauce made from a blend of peppers that are as hot as a Nuclear Explosion including Trinidad Scorpions and Bhut Jolokias.


I love that color!

Original Fire Mission Hot Sauce, Smoked. This is the same sauce but the Peppers have been given 4 hours smoke over Apple wood


And last of the sauces fermenting is the Original Fire Mission Hot Sauce, Bacon. Where the great taste of Applewood Smoked Bacon has been infused into the original sauce.


Next up is some new spice blend that will come under the heading of The Swashbuckler's Spice Company. First up is Bucaneer



This is a Smoked Jalapeño Powder currently under testing.


I know it's not 10 yet but I need a bump for Part II where we go behind the curtain and see what top secret development is in the works.

Stay tuned campers ;)
Starting off it was full on Kale on the nose, couldn't find any hints of the cabbage anywhere. The Kale was followed by the peppers and a lightly lemony after taste. All of the flavors were Very Bold and almost in your face. Planning to check it again next weekend and see how it's getting happy.
So, I'm trying something, a little experiment in the Skunkworks. With the pressure canner I get for Christmas I can now make and keep homemade salsa. Here's the thing, I want a fermented Salsa and I want the veggies to stay crisp. So I did a little JayTing, that's THP lingo for research, it turns out in the olden days they added tannins through the use of Fresh off the tree Oak Leaves, Grape Leaves, tea leaves basically anything that would add the needed tannins. Today we k ow that adding calcium to the mix will do it and Pickle Crisp is Calcium Chloride in a granular form. So, 2 gallons of salsa are planned, one spicy with Jalapeño and Fresno peppers and a mild version with red, yellow and green bell peppers. I added the Pickle Crisp a riding to package directions of a rounded quarter teaspoon per quart. Going to ferment them for 30 days then process. I'll do a taste test right out of the jar and then Pressure can them, 45 minutes at 15 psi. After processing one jar each into the fridge to cool and we'll see what happens.

Here's some pics of the spicy jar:


Diced up and ready to go

Pickle Crisp


Adding whey and brine



Thanks for following, stay tuned for updates
I missed the original post on these ... will be watching this one closely ...
This will be the project that gets me to open up the pressure canner, depending on the results/outcome! :CHEERS: