Rockwool vs. Rapid Rooter vs. Bio-Dome Plugs


Heartland Hydrogardens. They are more expensive buying just a tray or two (this place sells them by the case far cheaper) but I didn't want to spend $90 to see if they might work.

I'm glad I tried the Chard in them, I hope to grow about 500 plants next year and if this one test is indicative, I could transplant them in less than three weeks after sowing them!

An odd thing: I took the ones where the toms died out of the tray and let them completely dry. They crumbled - totally and completely, almost into dust.

Here's a pic of how the toms look. I didn't record the exact date but these plants were sown less than a month ago, as I ordered the sponges on October 12, they were shipped on the 14th, so I likely didn't get them until the 18th. None of the plants are quite 2" tall yet but look at the leaves! :onfire:

Which one is this one? Is it the biodome plugs? I ordered some rapid rooters, just to try them out. Your tomatoes look nice
and stocky. I am not growing hydrophonically, just want to use as seed starters.