Rocoto growth pattern

Giving this thread a little bump, because I have a question of which I'm sure the hive mind has an answer for.

My rocoto mini orange germinated end of January (I think) and it has hardly grown since then. Formed a few leaves and has decided he's taking his sweet time.

I know rocoto's are slow, but I'm wondering if I can help speed him up. I read somewhere they prefer cooler temps. Less light even. As this is my first rocoto, what daytime and nighttime temps do you recommend? How many hours of light? Should.I just shout at this monster?

By now, I think we have all established my patience is below par and the rocoto is pushing the limits. Help me out please.

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Not sure if it's related but seedlings with stalling growth is an issue for me too. Especially in the beginning of the 2022 season this was a huge problem for me... seedlings that stopped growing and eventually died. At the fourth sowing round things started to go well, but then it was already April...

This year it isn't as bad but it's not going that well either. Seedlings are very slow growing except for one, the KS Scarlett Rose.

It is why I decided to start some of the seedlings for this season already in September/October 2022
I have never noticed them being slow growers. The fruits take a long time to mature and ripen but structurally I feel they are pretty aggressive. They seem to do exceptionally well under t8 and t5 flourescent lighting.

Depending on what you mean by the end of January,this plant could be 2 weeks from germinating and not as far behind as you think.

How about some info on the growing mix and nutrients?
The seed went in January 15 or 16. It showed a hook January 23rd. It's been under a SF600 Spider Farmer light. The Mango Stumpy and Charapita are doing quite alright, they were sowed in the same batch. In à home made growing mix of good potting soil, mixed with compost and perlite. (About 50 - 30 - 20.)

These all did have some neglect, because I was away due to family circumstance. They were watered and had growlights on, but maybe a bit to warm, 28 - 30 °C. They've all recovered and are growing. The rocoto is just doing so very, very slow.

@Ratatouille Thanks for the information. It does appear to be slow and seeing as another just popped,it could be the seeds were not of the highest quality. A small podded C.pubescens should be as far along as the others you posted with the habit obviously being different. From my limited experience,once they start to move,they grow and flower as fast if not faster than other species and they tend to hog up a lot of growroom or tent space. If the seed is accurate it will start to sprawl as it grows.