• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Rocoto relleno: de la semilla a la mesa

I recently received a most generous gift of seeds from our friend CaneDog.  Thanks CaneDog!  Included were some Rocoto Arequipa Giant Red seeds which I now have in my little germinator.  I mean to grow some nice large pods and cook up some Rocoto relleno; this glog will document the process, the ups and downs, and will end with my ultimate success or failure in the attempt.  This photo is my inspiration at the start.  It looks absolutely delicious and I hope to produce something similar in the end.  I will be looking for and mulling over ideas for recipes for the stuffed peppers themselves, accompaniments, and general information on Peruvian cooking and cuisine along the way.

The plan is to provide the plant a swing in temperatures between day and night as I am able by moving it inside and outside - I'd bring it in for cool air-conditioned nights in the summer and take it outside to spend the night in the chillier months.  I've had good results overall with Kratky and can't remember having seen any Kratky pubes, so I'll be going with a jar for this.  I picked up this 135oz pickling jar a couple days ago.  Next steps will be removing the wire, painting the jar black, and 3D printing an adapter collar to fit the net cup to the jar.

Here's the model of the jar collar.  I'll have the printed object soon.  I can have these made iteratively as necessary to dial in the fit, but I have high hopes for the first one.
Any and all comments or criticisms are very welcome and I thank you all most warmly for having me and schooling me and reading my noodlings!
Mr.joe said:
What size is the net pot and container? Who cares what color the collar is? I say run with it
It's a three-inch net pot.  The jar is 135oz - a little over a gallon. 
It's not so much the color of the collar as the fit. It was meant to sit on top of the jar with just a tiny bit of play around the diameter. My calipers are at work, so I had to guess at the size. I guessed too small. I gently forced it over the first of the wire ridges for the picture. 
I've got time to mess around; the seeds haven't germinated yet and the little plant will be in a Solo cup for a couple weeks. 
Ok. I forgot you were gonna 3d print some parts... I misread into thinking the white one fit good, but was the wrong color.
CaneDog said:
That's what I like to see!
These are the only two I took from the bag.  Had no doubt they'd germinate.  ;)
So things go according to plan, always nice. The black jar collar is on the way. Solo cups stand ready. Need to cut another foam disc..