• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Roguejim's Grow Log 2013

This is my inaugural grow log.
All will be grown in-ground in my experimental "no till" raised bed unless otherwise noted.

1) Bahamanian Goat (1) MCH
2) Bhut Assam (1) PLOVER
3) Bhut Yellow (1) RTF
4) Bhut Peach (1) THP
5) Car. Reaper (1) JOE
6) Fatali Red (1) THP
7) Fatali Yellow (1) THP
8) Hab Peru White (1) PLOVER
9) Scorp Choc (1) THP
10) Scorp Morouga (1) TMUDDER
11) Scorp Butch T (1) HSC (overwintered in pot)
12) Scorp Yellow SR (1) THP
13) Jamaican Mushroom (1) THP
14) Scotch Bonnet Jamaican (2) DENNIZ/THP
15) Scotch Bonnet Foodarama (2) MCH
16) Scotch Bonnet Red (1) THP
16-b) Tobago Treasure (1) PLOVER
17) 7-Pot Brown (1) OBN
18) 7-Pot Brain Red (1) CAPPY
19) 7-Pot Brain Yellow (1) THP
20) 7-Pot Primo (1) RTF
21) 7-Pot Barrackpore (1) TMUDDER
22) Fresno (2) MCH
23) Pequin (1) PLOVER
24) Mexibell (1) MCH
25) Chilaca (1) on-line
26) Cascabel (1) MCH
27) Jalapeno Cracked (2) PLOVER
28) Aji Lemon Drop (1) MCH
29) Thai I (2) store bought pod
30) Thai Piquant (2) THP
31) Orchid PI (1) PLOVER
32) Cherry Hot (1) JOE
33) Cherry Bomb (1) MCH
34) Orange Rocoto (1) PLOVER
35) Quadrato D' Asti (1) MCH
36) Italian Roaster (1) MCH
37) Pimenta Leopard (1) RTF
38) Chapeau De Frade (1) RTF
39) Chilhuacle Negro (1) PLOVER

Ornamentals (potted):
1) Black Pearl (1) MCH
2) Black Prince (1) MCH
3) Filius Blue (1) MCH
4) Numex Easter (1) MCH
looks good Jim

i cant remember but did a few of them come from me?
was just wondering
that's a really nice list

thanks your friend Joe
Over 50 varieties? Sounds like a serious grow to me!
Good luck, bro!
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. Pics to come.

No Ajijoe, no seeds of yours.

Spicegeist, the butch t is in the living room window. It has become a house plant! I've already had to prune it back a second time, and spray for aphids. It is thriving. I'll post a pic.
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. Pics to come.

No Ajijoe, no seeds of yours.

Spicegeist, the butch t is in the living room window. It has become a house plant! I've already had to prune it back a second time, and spray for aphids. It is thriving. I'll post a pic.
oh ok was just wondering,there so many of mine out there now i cant possibly remember them all LOL

thanks your friend Joe
I sowed the chinense seeds on 1/13. I'm using a 9x13" sheet cake pan w/plastic lid for the mini-greenhouse. It holds 28 peat pellets, just what I need, more or less.



1/16, and I have my first sprout...Assam Bhut (closest). The other sprout is the Bahamanian Goat which appeared today, along with 2 Fatalis and 1 Thai.


This is my germination set-up. Emergency blankets for reflective walls. The chamber will hold ~28, #1pots, tightly. Any ideas what to do with the floor in the event of water leaking? Maybe a tarp?



I will be using a 50/50 mix of these two products below.



Thanks for looking!
I'm going to have to resort to Solo cups for the rest of the plants. Not enough room under two, 2-bulb fluoros for 28 #1 pots when the lights have to be this close. Shouldn't be a problem once I can raise the lights a bit from the plants. I should have figured this out before...dumb... :crazy:



Potted today, 1/20:

Assam Bhut
Bahamian Goat
Scorp Yellow
Thai I
Fatali Red
Fatali Yellow
Jamaican Mushroom
Alright, I corrected my previous blunder, and replanted the seedlings to Solo cups. Makes a lot more sense now looking at it. Whew!!! I'm thirsty... :beer:


(For those interested, that's a home brewed pilsener.)
Looks really good so far. I too am having a issue trying to figure out my lighting/grow space setup. It's trial/error trial/success.
All seeds were planted 1/13. All peat pellets produced at least 1 seedling by 1/23. At first I thought my germination rates weren't too good after looking at logchief's grow log (his rates seem really high). So, I went into the basement and took a count of my plants. Looks like my rates weren't as bad as I had originally thought. Out of 28 peat pellets, each planted with 3 seeds, 20 pellets produced at least 2 seedlings, the other 8 pellets producing only 1. But, these other 8 may still produce other seedlings now that they are under the fluoros. Several of my pellets didn't germinate the second and third seedlings until I put them under lights. Now I'm wondering if the lights made a difference in germination, or if the second and third seedlings would have sprouted anyway given a little more time in the propagation tray(cake pan), which only got indirect light from a window.

Looks like a good setup to me!! Your growlist looks really nice as well!! Oh and nice glass of Pilsner you got there too..really nice and clear...nice work!! Homebrewer here as well :) i hope everything germinates well for you!!
I guess this over wintered Butch T from last season is part of my 2013 grow log, my first and only plant I grew in 2012. Since it's been inside, it's been attacked twice by aphids. I used Organocide 3-in-1 Garden Spray, and it failed miserably. Very short term results. So, when Butch got attacked a third time a few days ago, I went to the nursery and came home with Captain Jack's Deadbug by Bonide. The active ingredient is spinosad. Overnight results were excellent. We'll see.

