• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Jamie, your son did a review?? How did I miss that. Have to go back on your glog.

Shane I can't say it enough. You are such a contribution to this growing thing we have here. Its just astounding. Thank you my friend. I can say I didn't see the differences besides one looked larger until you pointed it out. Your input is preceless as is Jamie's for his wonderfully hot and tasty products and giving so freely for us to try. Jamie I must say you are a growing machine. And some of us are extremely lucky to survive the winter months with your gifts. Thanks my friend. And good growing to you. Another great cross I'm sure is soon to come.
Shane you are a chili growing machine. That is some cool as shit. I will be watching with open eyes and cannot wait to see waht kind of pods you get. I am totally in awe of your skills. I am not worthy to have you grow my offfspring.
Shane, those are some nice looking plants. Wish I could grow them like that.
Shane I can't say it enough. You are such a contribution to this growing thing we have here. Its just astounding. Thank you my friend. I can say I didn't see the differences besides one looked larger until you pointed it out. Your input is preceless...

You guys (and gals) got me blushing over here...thanks for the kind words. My grow would be nothing without input from all the other great growers on this site. Sorry for the hijack Jamie...couple questions on the mother plant though, is it fuzzy, or is one of its neighbors?
Good luck getting rid of the six legged nasties Jamie.

Thanks Patrick. I have a feeling I will not be worried about them after this weekend :flamethrower:

Wow, the roots on that plant!!! Love the spiked aji. Just take the seed, grow, isolate, then you've got the "romy6 spiked aji". Then sell and make big $.

Thanks Handy Andy!!! You will be my first customer on the ajispikola

Love the flower shot Abroham. I'm just a poser with the cam but making an effort to learn! I think the two hobbies go hand in hand! I am going to speak for us all and say we are blessed to have you as a friend Jamie!

P.S. I just have a funny feeling those pests are going to get their asses handed to them. Soon!!!

John my brother. I am much more blessed than most. And you are no poser!! Your a growing picture taking guru!!!!

I hope the nasties are all gone now.

I really love the flower pics! Keep 'em coming.

Thanks Stefan. I will and come Sunday the pest will be gone for a bit

I remember hearing that doctors recommend Penicillin for such things.

Saturday I got your box in the mail. Grabbed the neighbor and enjoyed a mini scorp(I think it was). He had one too and we enjoyed the burn.


Brian my man. Gotta hook a brother up every once in a while. Hope you are enjoying the souther heat :mouthonfire:

Liking the pod and flower photos. The spiked Aji Lemon would look pretty cool in a glass with vodka on the rocks.

When you think you've seen it all, you probably hadn't. Thats pushing plant Psychology to the limits... Taking a plant on rugged bike ride to scare it back in shape.....why didn't I think of that........ :lol:

Another great update from the Florida gang...

Thanks Greg. I can't believe you have not taken your plants that you are potting up on a nice bike ride. Really cleans the old dirt off without damaging the roots.

"Bad Tebow, stay away from dem chilies" ;) have you tried pepper spray or perimeter pouring? Our dogs use to frolic & dig thru the peppers till I started pouring chili water around the grow (probably at around a one foot perimeter). I take all the damaged pods or too small for prime time, chop dem up and put in a gallon jug of water. Every now and then I pour perimeter of in grounds as they don’t mess with the potted ones. Worth a try if you haven’t already done so.
With our luck they’ll be pulling up a chair and enjoying fresh pods :D

Jamie, you’re pics are great … love dem all! I especially like love the shot and color on that chocolate bhut, awesome work mi north FL chili growing brethren \o/

Thanks Ramon. I appreciate the advice but Tebow is like his daddy. He loves his food spicy so I am gonna go with a small fence instead. Already working on the wife on that one :pray:

Lookin good man... I'll have to bring ya some pods next time I'm over that way...

Thanks Conrad. look forward to you coming.

Nice pods Jamie. Looks like your season never ends. I liked the review your son did. Very cute.

Shane, those are some nice looking plants. Wish I could grow them like that.
Thanks Linda. It is a never ending grow for sho :lol: JJ has mad skillz when it comes to any and everything.

Jamie, your son did a review?? How did I miss that. Have to go back on your glog.

Shane I can't say it enough. You are such a contribution to this growing thing we have here. Its just astounding. Thank you my friend. I can say I didn't see the differences besides one looked larger until you pointed it out. Your input is preceless as is Jamie's for his wonderfully hot and tasty products and giving so freely for us to try. Jamie I must say you are a growing machine. And some of us are extremely lucky to survive the winter months with your gifts. Thanks my friend. And good growing to you. Another great cross I'm sure is soon to come.

You are too kind Pia. We know who the master growers are and I am not one of them. My climate just gives me more time to fix my mistakes and for some reason ( maybe because of all the bugs) , my plants seem to cross polinate like mad :crazy:

You guys (and gals) got me blushing over here...thanks for the kind words. My grow would be nothing without input from all the other great growers on this site. Sorry for the hijack Jamie...couple questions on the mother plant though, is it fuzzy, or is one of its neighbors?

Just telling it like we see it bro. The mother has no fuzz. But the goats weed plant that is growing a few feet from it does :)

I am very sad today. My poor Tebow is getting his crown jewels taken from him. They say it is for the better good og the dog but I just can't seem to grasp that .

But I will leave with a nice picture of a beautiful package Kevin sent me last night and a tasty meal from the night before. Prey for Tebow please :pray:


Kevins apple douglah powder and redtailforresters xxx grounds for divorce sauce

Cool, knowing it has a fuzzy neighbor lets me know that a couple of the plants are almost certainly Romy6 Mystery X Goat's Weed...and that is an exciting possibility! Going to be really cool to see what these look like. Hopefully I can get a few pods off them without any virus issues! :dance: I suspect you're now the proud papa of a brand new species bro-ham! Hmmm....c'mon...have black pods baby!
Thanks Buddy, Stefan, Noah and Ramon. :dance:

Just a fyi that is mayo. My wife is Mexican and she got me hooked on mayo and powder on my corn many years ago. It blows butter out the doh!!!!
Interesting, I've never tried mayo on corn ... while I'm not a mayo user I have it on rare occasions, I will give it a try next time we eat corn.

Jamie, on another note I ground up some of your powder last night with rocky sea salt and put onto my steak, OMG it was wonderful!!! I may never use black pepper on steak again. Sorry I didn’t take any pics but I saved a little for next time so I’ll have to shoot dem. Seriously this stuff should be on da market, even just the infused salt version :)

Edit: Again with this: your out of "like this" message or I would have "liked" everyones post hehe

Edit2: BTW did anyone get the chance to read my romy6 pepper powder review? I’m a little surprised by the lack of comments, naturally good and bad as I can learn to improve from the bad ones or ideas that some of you have. Seriously his powder is wonderful, if you ever get the chance you need to try his blend …
Mayo on corn???? Ok man, I will give it a try. All of your other creations have done me right! Dig the picture of the little man manning the grill station!
Hey, you know I felt the same when my dog's nuts got the chop chop! Poor fella!!!!! You'll have to give him some doggie ice cream for a few days!
Damn romy you got it all on point!

Gonna try the mayo corn soon. I've heard it's the best...just a little skeered!

My babies are gettin flowers now. Can't wait to see what they turn in to!
Thanks FD. I am betting with the amazing weather we are having we will know what you got in no time :)

Stefan, sour cream does sound supendous!!! I will give it a shot .

So yesterday was a busy day. Spent almost all of it raking leaves ( the 200 year old oak thinks everyday is fall ) and cleaning up what was lefy of my inground plants. Tebow ( my :crazy: puppy) had already destroyed most of them so I am left with 3 . All are big enough he doesn't have must inteterest. They are in bad shape but it has been colder than usual so they should bounce back. Also zapped all my plants so hoping I am aphid,ant,mite free for a bit.

Remaining ingrounders Mystery annum and sweet hab on left.


This was a monster not yellow brain. Gave it a haircut .


Then Cris made a small garden for cukes,maters, and carrots. Mom seem to thinks this will keep Tebow the terrible out. I am afraid it will not. :shame:


Notice Tebow towering over our little white picket fence :cry: But it doesn't bother my litle helper


Cris planting some cukes. My families favorite veggie . Hopefully they will grow like last year. :pray:


And a few picks of my container plants in the front and side yard. Slowly comimg around now that I had debugged and began weekly feedings again .


Not white bhut is loaded up again.


And the big boys


And my brown 7 pod is loving real food


And the babies . Have a good week all!!!

Nice update...try an electric fence for tebow the terrible. Sounds cruel, but I get up against them all the time and it really isn't pain as much as it is a startle. Which of the babies are the ones that are going to lose in the growdown? Purple and brown pots??? If so, they sure are cute...and so TINY. :rofl: I would just feed those plants to tebow and forget the whole growdown thing...hahaha. Always great looking at your green!