• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

Wow Jamie! Looks like you are in full swing!  Those Choc Habs are great, I still have about 2 and a half gallons in the freezer.  Once I pick up my new smoker, gonna give them a little smoke and see how that goes.  That yellow Primo looks gnarly as well.  Gonna be a scorcher! 
RocketMan said:
Brotah, I believe she's just pacing in as much heat as she can so dat she can come off the tree in FULL BEEEAAACH mode and fry everyone who takes a bite outa her ;)
 Thanks brother Bill. But i am afraid it is never going to ripen . Eveything but the tip is yellow. I guess I will be sampling everything but the tip. Gonna give it a few more days then  :mouthonfire:
SomeLikeItHot said:
Jeez man... Looks like you found a way to cross that brain with a damn oak tree! Growin yourself a pain forest down there, aren't ya?

Also, your barrackpores still frighten me. The ones you sent me last summer made my damn teeth burn.
 Thank you Derrick. I have been giving most of the Barrackpores to dear friends  :cool:
MGOLD86 said:
Wow Jamie! Looks like you are in full swing!  Those Choc Habs are great, I still have about 2 and a half gallons in the freezer.  Once I pick up my new smoker, gonna give them a little smoke and see how that goes.  That yellow Primo looks gnarly as well.  Gonna be a scorcher! 
 Matt my man!!!! That sure sounds like it will be some tasty powder/ sauce. A great all around pepper. You will find out first hand about the yellow primo  :mouthonfire:  
 Wanted to show a few more pics.What are the odds  :crazy:
First is a pepper that my brother Wayright said I would enjoy growing. Peruvian Serlano." A chinense with medium heat and very thick juicy walls" if I can quote the warlock of capsaicin  :twisted: . Should have pods soon, Deep green and fast grower he be  :whistle:

Here is a pic of Kevin's plant. I know mine will never grow like his but you can wish in one hand and shit in the other  :)

 And the Carolina reaper is a super strong plant with perfect growth patterning. Time to pot him up this weekend. 

 The Douglah AKA chocolate pain  :twisted:

 Not yellow Brain has ginormous pods

 And a small harvest from this morning. 

Is it Friday yet  :drunk:
Looking good. That pepper tree...err I mean plant is awesome.
Seeing all your posts of peppers that you have harvested makes me wish it was the end of the growing season already. LOL I know once mine start to produce it is going to be a frenzy, just hard to wait LOL
Dang! Jamie those harvest photos just threw me back into my chair...any futher my chair would be on the ground and I'd be looking at the ceiling.

What you have going is the right location, the plants are thriving from the soil and the right amount of light. I would agree, the woody trees are very ornamental looking with the vibrant colors....if money could grow on trees, you'd never be short changed...
You know Jamie...it's really hard to be sitting perdy with my plants and feel jealous of anyone, but damn you sure make it happen! Wow brother...just fantastic. Is that a Barrackpore directly south of the two yellow peppers a few into the pack? For some reason my stomach hurts when I look at that one???
RocketMan said:
Yeah, I was hearing more
George, George, George of the jungle, strong as he can be
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa watch out for that Brain Tree
Well played good sir, well played indeed.

Either way, looking at those plants is going to make harvest time for my midget plants seem like forever from now.
koskorgul said:
Looking good. That pepper tree...err I mean plant is awesome.
Seeing all your posts of peppers that you have harvested makes me wish it was the end of the growing season already. LOL I know once mine start to produce it is going to be a frenzy, just hard to wait LOL
 Thanks Rob. It has been a nice spring here is east Florida!
PIC 1 said:
Dang! Jamie those harvest photos just threw me back into my chair...any futher my chair would be on the ground and I'd be looking at the ceiling.

What you have going is the right location, the plants are thriving from the soil and the right amount of light. I would agree, the woody trees are very ornamental looking with the vibrant colors....if money could grow on trees, you'd never be short changed...
 Thank you Greg for putting a big smile on my face. If only it was 100 dollar bills is what the wife keeps saying:)
stickman said:
Dang Jamie! Looks like your production is getting to the point where you can start making powder again and the plants are looking like a jungle... maybe you can get Lourens to send you a few monkeys to populate your trees... ;)
 Yes sir Rick I am way over due to make some powder. hopefully next weekend I will make it happen. Thank you for the idea on the Monkey's. Might have to give Peri Peri a call:)
RocketMan said:
and JJ could train them to pick the ripe pods, every 20 pods they get a banana  :rofl:
  Now your talking Billster. Our should I say George of the jungle:)
Devv said:
I agree with those huge trees you might need to hire some help!
Looking great there buddy!
 Thank you # 500. How are dem pods ?
stc3248 said:
You know Jamie...it's really hard to be sitting perdy with my plants and feel jealous of anyone, but damn you sure make it happen! Wow brother...just fantastic. Is that a Barrackpore directly south of the two yellow peppers a few into the pack? For some reason my stomach hurts when I look at that one???
 I have a feeling I will be jealous of you very soon. And good eye that is the barrackpore next to the first big Brain. 
Nice pods Jamie.  Is  that Kevin's Brigit?  I've seen it on his glog, and it is amazing.  I'm coming to Florida
one of these days.  Got to go to disneyworld around Christmas time.  I have a customer that goes there
every December.  There are so many retiree's (I cut men's hair) here.  They have winter homes in Florida,
and come back here for the summer.   
Killer harvest for so early in the season.  Lots of heat there.  Love the Douglah shot, with the lone ripe pod on the lower right.  You hear it calling your name, right?  ;)  Has your Reaper started podding yet?  Mine took a long time, dropping a lot of flowers along the way. 
And the not-Yellow Brain looks killer.  Huge pods!
romy6 said:
 Thank you # 500. How are dem pods ?
Most excellent! Made poppers last night and had "some" of the Yellow CARDI on my breakfast taco. Trying to figure out the reference point so I don't hurt myself...LOL
Hot sauce making later on in the day!
Thanks again!
roper2008 said:
Nice pods Jamie.  Is  that Kevin's Brigit?  I've seen it on his glog, and it is amazing.  I'm coming to Florida
one of these days.  Got to go to disneyworld around Christmas time.  I have a customer that goes there
every December.  There are so many retiree's (I cut men's hair) here.  They have winter homes in Florida,
and come back here for the summer.   
 Linda. Yes that is Kevins tree. Would love to have you over . I am only an hour or so from Disney Linda. I could cook you a fiery Meal:) 
Peptacular said:
Fookin incredible looking plants man. You make me hate my beloved commonwealth with those behemoths. Rock on!
 Thanks Pep. You have me blushing my friend:)
DocNrock said:
Killer harvest for so early in the season.  Lots of heat there.  Love the Douglah shot, with the lone ripe pod on the lower right.  You hear it calling your name, right?  ;)  Has your Reaper started podding yet?  Mine took a long time, dropping a lot of flowers along the way. 
And the not-Yellow Brain looks killer.  Huge pods!
 Brent. Thanks for the love. My reaper has started podding up. Got two nasty pods and a bunch of little ones.  Gonna pot him today if I get the energy. 
Pinoy83 said:
and as usual ur never ending harvest, must be great romy :)....  been busy cant catch up in THP lol,
 Nice to here from you Eric. How is life on the Islands. Gotta come visit you soon. Once I win the lotery:) 
Devv said:
Most excellent! Made poppers last night and had "some" of the Yellow CARDI on my breakfast taco. Trying to figure out the reference point so I don't hurt myself...LOL
Hot sauce making later on in the day!
Thanks again!
 Glad you are enjoying them Scotty. Hopefully when I go to your grow I will see some pics of the action food shots :)
 Did a video yesterday. Sound is all messed up but who cares about what I say anyway
 It went much longer than I like so here are a few pics of the harvest today. Save you about 9 minutes of me blabbering . Or at least the parts you can hear. 
JJ was  huge help usual. God bless my boy


 And JJ loves his sunflower plant. 


 Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!