• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2013

Well 2012 is old news so time to push onward. It was a great year for me pepperwise. If you did not get a chance to follow me last year and would like to check it out here is the link http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27252-romy6-2012/. It will save me from explaining my grow and being redundant. I am an outdoor grower only from start to finish. I try to keep my aphid /bug colonies to a minimum while batteling the temps as while growing in east central Florida. I plan on growing many other new varieties in a few months so keep an eye out. Until then I wish a great grow for all and look forward to following all of your grows. After fighting off the tequilla hangover this moring I managed to stumble along and pick my first harvest of the new year. Some yellow 7's, yellow scorps, yellw scotch bonnets with a tail, hybrid bhut, not douglah, mystery annums, choc hab , cho bhut bhut and a choc bhut x yellow 7 f3. Winter pods are always a little funky looking IMHO :rolleyes:

:dance: Happy New Year :dance:

stickman said:
Consider my arm twisted... ;)  I'm feelin' de African rhythms mon... I'll post some pics of "yardbird on a stick" (as Ramon calls it)... I have some chicken marinating in the fridge for Moroccan Chicken kebabs. Some yellow rice and spicy Collards with tomatoes and preserved Lemon should round it out nicely.
 Thank Rick. I saw your chicken love and now I want to duplicate your mad cooking skills .
stc3248 said:
Damnit Jamie...by the time I can get to sending pods to a newbie you'll have already killed them all! :rofl: That's alright, I'll just put a couple bowls of hell like you got into our lunchroom and let all the macho military guys kill themselves with them...of course I am still a month or two from that. Keep up the greatness brotha, said it before and I'll say it again...folks like you are the only reason I am still on this site! 
 Thanks brother . I am sure there are several other newbies that would be stoked to get some fresh Cali pods and powder. You are way too kind . Back at ya on why I am here:)
DocNrock said:
That Yellow Primo looks awesome.  Sometimes a good flavorful pod with moderate heat is just the ticket.  I'll bet it went well with that steak, corn, and black-eyed peas dish...which incidentally, is salivacious (is that a word?)!  ;)
That is exaclty what my digestive track was thinking  Brent. :rofl:
 How about some podagraphy :dance:
Brainstrain monster plant

Reaper notice a resemblance :shh:

Primo Not?

Yellow primos


Choco hab and you know who towering from above

 Madballz all burgandy

nother madballz
And some Jonahs

 Good night all. SBJ7 making a comeback
Jamie most beautiful........You lettin me get to poddage point wit your vids and pics.... I CAN MAKE ITTTTT!!!!!!  I have flowers and buds my brotha from another, so I see the light at the end of the tunnel.... Just keep them vids coming till july..... OHHl ,ill add a puhleeeeseee!
Remember the word “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” from the 1964 Disney musical film Mary Poppins? Well I gotz one new word for all you THP guys/gals to remember about dis glog ... Superpodeliciousexpialajamiepodious \o/
Simply awesome pod pornage brethren!
Wow! I checked Happy B-Day Captain!
That's Captain pain, 1st in command of Starfleet Poddagemaxima :D
I brought some Brown Hab hotsauce to work, everyone liked it and commented on the amazing taste. "It's hot but I can taste the strong hab flavor".
No comparison to store bought!
Jamie brother! Your grow is absolutely fantastic! I just put my peppers outside last week. I have until Labor Day to get ripe pods because the cold weather starts coming after that.
Hope all is well with you! Busy times here with work and the little ones.
Damn brother!  I am lovin those pod shots!  I just started some MadballZ Chocolate, are those burgandy pods the same as the originals?? 
MGOLD86 said:
Damn brother!  I am lovin those pod shots!  I just started some MadballZ Chocolate, are those burgandy pods the same as the originals?? 
+1 Matt's question, Jamie. Belated happy birthday! :party:
Sanarda said:
Jamie most beautiful........You lettin me get to poddage point wit your vids and pics.... I CAN MAKE ITTTTT!!!!!!  I have flowers and buds my brotha from another, so I see the light at the end of the tunnel.... Just keep them vids coming till july..... OHHl ,ill add a puhleeeeseee!
 Thank you Pia. You making me blush again  :oops:
WalkGood said:
Remember the word “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” from the 1964 Disney musical film Mary Poppins? Well I gotz one new word for all you THP guys/gals to remember about dis glog ... Superpodeliciousexpialajamiepodious \o/
Simply awesome pod pornage brethren!
 Ray Ray. It is a shame I can only like that post once. Thank you sir!!!! 
megahot said:
Jamie, your growing abilities never cease to amaze me!
Love the beauties you are growing this yr. I applaud you :)
 Thank you Jon. You got the same skills just live in the wrong area for chili's  :D
koskorgul said:
Do you by chance have any of these seeds that you might want to share? Never seen this one before and would love to try and grow some. I know it is late to start but would probably do this one in a pot and move it inside, try and over winter.
 Rob, it is a great chili and great color. It is a cross between a yellow 7 and choc bhut. The bhut dominates but has  taste of 7 :)I always have seeds to share drop me a pm. 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Awesome looking pods, my plants cannot grow fast enough!
Thanks JHP. You guys will be blowing me out come August. 
jedisushi06 said:
Looking good buddy!  Happy Birthday btw!
 Thanks Mikey. You are a kind man. 
capsidadburn said:
Happy Birthday Jaime! Awesome plants and pods!
 Thank you Mike  :clap:
jedisushi06 said:
yellow primo looks sweet.  Can you save me a couple seeds please?
 You got it 
RocketMan said:
Can't wait to try that Yellow Primo, good and narley looking. What's the Madballz like taste and heat wise? I like the color of it.
  Bill, the madballz is a great pepper. Heat just below a bhut butt not by much. I would say around 500 to 700 hundered thousand scoville units. Taste like a choc bhut. Medium chinese flavor, a little earthy. But makes a great powder or sauce.  
Devv said:
Wow! I checked Happy B-Day Captain!
That's Captain pain, 1st in command of Starfleet Poddagemaxima :D
I brought some Brown Hab hotsauce to work, everyone liked it and commented on the amazing taste. "It's hot but I can taste the strong hab flavor".
No comparison to store bought!
 That is too kind of you Scotty. I think the choc habs have the perfect mix of heat and taste as well. 
@ Conor  Awesome Conor. I damand pics my brotha.  That orange primo is getting big so I see pods for ya in a bit. 
@  Matt my man!!! Those Madballz are straight from Patrick. Yours should be just like em.  :flamethrower: Thank you sir!!!
 @ Brent, You will love the madballz. Very productive. Thank you sir.
 So I got to talking to Rocketman and he finally convinced me  to give the old fermenting a go. First I went out to the store and bought a single serving of yogurt to make some whey. Then I went out and picked about 30 of the nastiset biggest pods I could fine on my plants. 

 Didn't look like enough so i picked a few more. And it still didn't fill half a jar :(

Threw it in the blender

Threw in Jar, added some pickling salt, two  tablespoons of whey, and a little water. Placed jar on but not too tight, and placed in a dark spot for  45 days . This is gonna be some hot stuff. My wife is a devoted chilihead with an amazing tolerance and a spoonful had her in serious pain.  :D
happy birthday ... well belated it is... glad to see the SBJ7 is bouncing back.. wish i could get mine to set pods..... madballz... man.. i was 0-3 on them seeds i got from jamison.. looks like that brain is gonna trample on the choco habs.. ..
if you can manage to ferment... i will do it as well.. will have to hit you up and mr Bill. on the HOW tos