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drying-smoking Ronco Food Dehydeator

I bought one of these at a neighbor's yard sale for 4 bucks. It's never been used but looks likes it's been sitting around since the early 80s at least...in a box thankfully.

I'm thinking dried peppers to make powders and rubs but hell, I guess you can use this sucker to make jerky too.

Anyone ever use one of these?
chuk hell said:
I bought one of these at a neighbor's yard sale for 4 bucks. It's never been used but looks likes it's been sitting around since the early 80s at least...in a box thankfully.

I'm thinking dried peppers to make powders and rubs but hell, I guess you can use this sucker to make jerky too.

Anyone ever use one of these?

I've got one. I've used it a couple of times to dry peppers. Works well.
I have 3...

They sell them with 3-5-9 trays, but the first 2 trays get most of the heat. 3 trays is pushing it. I got good results from the first one so I bought 2 more. So I can make 6 trays (about 5-6 pounds) of jerky at once, without waiting more than 6-8 hours.

Trial and error, but you'll get it!
I had one when they frist came out worked ok, for 4-6 trays you have to rotate every 6hr and turn tray 1/4 turn till done.Have 3 American Harvesters know 9 trays each with temp controls.

Had one years ago, but for 4$ you cant beat it. I use to burn one up every year. Did that for about 3 years, then I finally decided it would be cheaper in the long run to just go out n get a fairly good one. Now I have a Nesco American Harvest dehydrator with 12 trays. I've had this same unit about 5 years now, still going strong.

Ronco trays can melt. but at $4 it's too good to pass up. when you get addicted to your own jerky you will want to upgrade I bet.
Thanks for the comments. This thing isn't a fire hazzard is it? :scared:

I've got it loaded up with habs right now. The smell is permeating the house. I love it. My wife does not...and says so!