roots do not grow ???

hello everyone, 
yesterday, I tranplanted my peppers in proper pots (they were in plastic cups with holes at the bottom  placed in another cup, just like many growers do, or so it seems) I was suspecting that something was wrong ...
I was very surprised (in a bad way) to see that they almost didn't have any roots. Also plants were kinda small (pretty normal considering their roots, now it all makes sense)
I believe that it is due to the fact that drainage was pretty poor in there, and the soil was rather wet ... 
is that right/possible or an I just making up things here ?
And most important naw that peppers are in a place that is specifically designed for their well being, is it likely to get better now ? what can I do to improve that now ? 
thanks guys !
Also, do you have any little black bugs that look like fruit flies buzzing around your grow? They are called fungus gnats and the larva that live in the soil will eat the baby roots.
ok, thanks, 
I didn't see bugs, but maybe I transplanted them early enough not to have any ...
we'll see how things work out ...
Jeff H said:
Also, do you have any little black bugs that look like fruit flies buzzing around your grow? They are called fungus gnats and the larva that live in the soil will eat the baby roots.
I was wondering what those little bugs were, thanks Jeff !
- Around a few dozen of these small bugs fly around my plants. I was wondering what they were but since leaves seemed alright, I didn't heave any notice. I'll be taking care of them  at once now I know how damaging they can be. Wonderful how you learn things bit by bit when you're in a community :)
could it be your seedlings were not getting enough phosphorous? i use 10-52-10 fertilizer, bottom feeding. then watch for white fuzzy roots to protrude from the bottom of the container before i pot up. my containers also sit on a slotted surface to allow airflow under the container.
I agree with the wet soil people. It's like eating, you'll never learn to Cook if you always order in. It's the same for the plant, it will not make roots until it needs them. Because why spent effort and energy if you can take up enough water with only a small rootball?

A fan will help a lot. It will sturdy your plants up and increase evaporation from your leaves. So your roots will need to resupply it. Benefit? They pump nutes to the photosynthesis parts when doing so and because you train your roots, your plant will grow more.