Roots poking out bottom but still no true leaves?

Is it odd that one of my seedlings roots is already poking out the bottom of a 4 inch tall by 3in wide pot, yet said seedling still doesn't have its first set of true leaves?  It's groing in coco coir if that makes any difference.
my explanation is as coir is light and fluffy , the plant can grow roots faster or the roots dont face a lot of resistance from the medium. Are you counting the roots , if they are 4-7 its less , but more than that i guess you should transplant.
I'm kind of wary of pulling it out to check. Though I only saw two and they were only beginning to poke through the bottom do I'm guessing it'll be okay.
I wouldn't stress it. I just potted up all my plants into solo cups for others reasons and everyone one had roots coming out the bottom. I also started in c coir. 
Thanks all! Good to know. One thing I have noticed about my first time starting seeds indoors is that I feel like a new parent again.... -_- LOL
You freak about the silliest things sometimes.
Are you feeding them at all? I only ask because those roots may be searching for nutes??? If you are then don't sweat it, it'll push leaves out when it's ready.
I have been using a 1/1000 dilution of seaweed extract, which is actually what the instructions say to use for seedlings. I am thinking of mixing it with a 3-3-2 liquid organic fertilizer, and then diluting that to 1/1000 though.
I think you could go a little stronger and suspect that is part of your issue. Maybe try a 1/4 strength solution...
stc3248 said:
I think you could go a little stronger and suspect that is part of your issue. Maybe try a 1/4 strength solution...
Would that be okay even if the instructions specifically say 1:1000 for seedlings?
Are you running a hydro system? I have never heard of cutting down nutes to 1/1000. You can feed with normal plant food at 1/4 strength from the very beginning especially if they're in nothing but coir which has no real nutritional value. I don't feed at all for the first several months, but mine are planted in soil that has a ton of nute value. Yours are not. They will continue to grow slow or not at all until you give them some food.
No I'm not running hydro, the 1:1000 is just what it says on my bottle of fermented seaweed extract. It isn't a strength indicator, just means mix 1ml of extract per 1L of water which I think is correct for fermented extracts.

I'll keep what you said in mind though. I have another bottle of fertiliser I can mix at 1/4 strength.
they should not need a feeding to show the first sign of true leaves...
Those tap roots will take off sometimes, especially in a light medium like coco or rockwool.
I would not worry about it... 
How long has it been above ground/
They have been above ground for about a month give or take a week depending on when they popped.
Actually the majority of them already have their first set, some are putting out second set. Just a couple in particular have been very slow.
AaronRiot said:
A couple of my Datils this season popped up and were missing the growing sprout in the middle that the true leaves grow from. If this has been an issue with only one plant that could be an explanation. In my case, it took about a month for the sprout to generate a new sprout between the cotys and break through.
photo of said datil in this topic here
That is really good to know! I was about to just pull the little sucker but I guess I will wait it out. This particular one is just a Jalapeno, but it would be great to have this grow out well since I tend to use a lot of them. Our Japanese friends also loved the poppers I introduced them to last year and it would be great to have extra on hand to share.