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pod Round pods, erect, weird

I purchased a "Bhut Jolokia" from a garden store at a hardware centre.  Before we left the store I had my doubts but thought it was worth a whirl.  What has grown is unlike any of my other peppers:

Here is one of the pod coming ripe:

I understand this is not a Bhut. I have a couple of actual bhuts I grew from seed so am not worried about that, I would be interested in what it could be though. Cheers for checking it out
I would say probably slightly larger than a golf ball with an insanely thick stalk to the pepper itself.  I actually wrote an email to the nursery that grew it and they claimed it was an improved Bhut Jolokia.  I let them know I was highly skeptical and suggested they use better seed vendors referencing 2 specifically.  They have asked me to provide feedback after trying it as they assure me it is extremely hot, we will see,
They feel very thick walled.  I am at a loss as to what it might actually be.  I will post photos in a few days when the red one has fully turned.
I think it's at least part sunrise scorpion. Never seen anything else grow pods facing up before. Maybe mixed with some form of bell pepper.
Edit: sounding more like one since your post. Sunrise are around golfball sized and have reasonably thick wall, at least in some areas. Then again, the one I have is an F15 or F16 ish generation, so it could have changed a bit.
Thanks for your thoughts cruzzfish.  I really want it to be a superhot cross but it is super smooth, not at all gnarly.  I gotta say not getting what you paid for is annoying but at least it isn't a hab or a cayenne, glad of a mystery for the moment.
Robisburning said:
I would say probably slightly larger than a golf ball with an insanely thick stalk to the pepper itself.  I actually wrote an email to the nursery that grew it and they claimed it was an improved Bhut Jolokia.  I let them know I was highly skeptical and suggested they use better seed vendors referencing 2 specifically.  They have asked me to provide feedback after trying it as they assure me it is extremely hot, we will see,
They feel very thick walled.  I am at a loss as to what it might actually be.  I will post photos in a few days when the red one has fully turned.
I don't trust what I get from local nurseries any more. I got for free a Naval Orange tree. It was supposed to have seeds, not a seedless. Well the first 2 fruit so far, no seeds. You also have no idea what virus or other bad stuff comes from there. I once had a cockroach in infestation in my yard from a potted plant from Lowes. It got a dose of pyrethrin.
Robisburning said:
Right, I agree with the cherry pepper ID.  Looking forward to trying it that is for sure, thanks for the ID help!
No problem. I wrap small pieces of havardi dill cheese with thinly sliced proscuitto, stuff them, then bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Got the idea from that little cutie Rachel Ray. It is the most wonderful flavor.
Robisburning said:
 they claimed it was an improved Bhut Jolokia.  
you should asked what is the improvement, moving from Chinense to Annuum, he will be like huh? what.. who.. where.. when...???? 
because he/she has no idea that there is a place called THP, where members eat, breath, and live peppers. so they will tell you whatever bs they can sell
so many i mean so many nurseries should just stick with what they know the most selling mums and mosquito plants and leave the pepper business for those who take the time to better understand it.
his/her answer should been, sure we could be wrong, and we will look into your concern. not looking more dumass by saying "improved strain"
what you have is a large hot cherry
PepperLover said:
you should asked what is the improvement, moving from Chinense to Annuum, he will be like huh? what.. who.. where.. when...???? 
because he/she has no idea that there is a place called THP, where members eat, breath, and live peppers. so they will tell you whatever bs they can sell
so many i mean so many nurseries should just stick with what they know the most selling mums and mosquito plants and leave the pepper business for those who take the time to better understand it.
his/her answer should been, sure we could be wrong, and we will look into your concern. not looking more dumass by saying "improved strain"
what you have is a large hot cherry
Well Judy, you were one of the two vendors I suggested as an alternative to their current seed source, I am happy to post original emails.  Either the nursery or the seed vendor is dishonest.  From my perspective it could have been worse.  I have a Bhut Jolokia from Pepperlover seeds growing so I will still get to taste my first bhut this season.  I will also, apparently, get a chance to taste my first hot cherry.  Live and learn.
Robisburning said:
Well Judy, you were one of the two vendors I suggested as an alternative to their current seed source, I am happy to post original emails.  Either the nursery or the seed vendor is dishonest.  From my perspective it could have been worse.  I have a Bhut Jolokia from Pepperlover seeds growing so I will still get to taste my first bhut this season.  I will also, apparently, get a chance to taste my first hot cherry.  Live and learn.
They could of switched a cherry pepper with a bhut jolokia on accident. They clearly have no idea what a ghost pepper looks like.
Yip, not as exciting as I had imagined.  I ate the first ripe one today.  I don't have Jalapenos growing but have a great serrano which is pod laden and my first to give ripe pods.  Compared to those these barely register. It was sweet and crunchy and tasted good. I guess I can use them in salads and might try them with cheese as was recommended above.
I have written to the nursery and will see if they respond.  Truth be known I am disappointed but feel I have learned a genuine lesson.  $10 won't break the bank and I now know not to trust any old plant seller.  Imagine if you had based your season on those though, you would be furious.