food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

I went freezer diving and found a pork shoulder, into the Weber.


Tuna Melt Pizza, what an idea!  Perfect broil on that cheese, DTS. 
Bob65, I  like the way you put the veggies under the roast for the drippings to baste.  Perfect!
Speaking of everyone baking, the bread aisle at Hank's was more wiped out than the toilet paper aisle, which did still have 2-packs for 1.99, and also some hippy organic 4-packs of really small rolls for $4.99.  All the flour was gone.
I'll be back later with a couple cooks from the last couple days.  Today, it's pasta salad with ham. 
And now I want to drive to Hanks, don mask and gloves just so I can take a picture of that sheeze.
I didn't look at it too close, just saw organic and 65% recycled post-consumer something. First question is, how can they assure all the recycled stuff is organic? I probably read it wrong....but anyway....
salsalady said:
And now I want to drive to Hanks, don mask and gloves just so I can take a picture of that sheeze.
I didn't look at it too close, just saw organic and 65% recycled post-consumer something. First question is, how can they assure all the recycled stuff is organic? I probably read it wrong....but anyway....
65% recycled post consumer toilet paper.
The comedy hits.
Just keep coming!
salsalady said:
Speaking of everyone baking, the bread aisle at Hank's was more wiped out than the toilet paper aisle, which did still have 2-packs for 1.99, and also some hippy organic 4-packs of really small rolls for $4.99.  All the flour was gone.
The Androscoggin Mill, which has about 500 employees, produces can an estimated 425,000 tons of paper per year, as well as flexible packaging papers, release liner base, specialty labels, kraft papers, and liner board
Good thing that paper plants half million tons of paper products doesn't include TP! Then they'd even be less! 
salsalady said:
And now I want to drive to Hanks, don mask and gloves just so I can take a picture of that sheeze.
I didn't look at it too close, just saw organic and 65% recycled post-consumer something. First question is, how can they assure all the recycled stuff is organic? I probably read it wrong....but anyway....

texas blues said:
65% recycled post consumer toilet paper.
The comedy hits.
Just keep coming!
Does that mean they are salvaging the toilet paper after it has been used?????

Asking for a friend!!!!!

KBK, yummy looking indy pizza. I like the post of the bottom side~~~~Mmmm
temps are always going to be an issue with me. Too long on heat and I release the oil from the fat too much. Too little and no browning. Trying to find a medium is tricky. Next time I might pull out my grill. Even with that probably not much improvement. I went with the cheese I had on hand which was probably not ideal. Not really the best low moisture, but adequate for the job.  
While i'm dreaming, one day if my stock portfolio improves enough I should figure out a way to build an outdoor pizza oven. 
keybrdkid said:
temps are always going to be an issue with me. Too long on heat and I release the oil from the fat too much. Too little and no browning. Trying to find a medium is tricky. Next time I might pull out my grill. Even with that probably not much improvement. I went with the cheese I had on hand which was probably not ideal. Not really the best low moisture, but adequate for the job.  
While i'm dreaming, one day if my stock portfolio improves enough I should figure out a way to build an outdoor pizza oven.

I've done some bakes in the bbq grill with a stone with good results. John and I have wanted for a bake oven. Some day....

SUNSET MAGAZINE has a blueprint....tablet is out of power....will post links brb....
salsalady said:
I've done some bakes in the bbq grill with a stone with good results. John and I have wanted for a bake oven. Some day....

SUNSET MAGAZINE has a blueprint....tablet is out of power....will post links brb....
I'll try a pizza stone or pizza steel in a while. I've seen some good ones. One problem I had on my first pizza of the week was that my first pizza stuck to my pizza peel and folded over, even after I floured it. I was trying to heat the pizza plate up first and got that result instead. I found I was better off just making the whole pizza on the tray and just sticking it in the oven as is. 