• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SadisticPepper's (aka Elcap1999's) 2013/2014/2015 Oceanside glog update

Unfortunately, about half of the trays I had set up got shriveled up on account of a nasty wind storm drying them out. Oddly enough all the plants I had potted up already made it through without a problem, so I've spent the last couple of days redoing the ones I had seeds for, and the ones I didn't I just swapped them out with ones I recently got from PepperLover. Here's a couple pics:
Here's the trays I set out yesterday and today

On the left (going top to bottom, I have Red Brain strains, Red Morugas and Yellow Morugas. The middle group is Chocolate Morugas, Red Bhuts and White Bhuts, and on the right is Purple Bhuts on one half, and orange bhuts on the other half of the first tray, and Red Butch T's on the 2nd tray
Here's a little color coded legend I put together to keep them all straight. The color for the chocolate moruga didn't quite come out too well in the printer.

     Plants and pods are lookin' pro, Paul. The way I see it, even if your pods aren't moving real fast now, you'll be making a lot of people happy this winter when your plants are still going strong! Keep it up!
Thank you good sir! And right now, they're not moving quite as fast as I would like, but I can dehydrate the earlier picked pods and sell them as dehydrated and powders.
And the seedlings I have in the ground now, the ballpark guesstimate I have is that I'm expecting them to begin pushing out flowers sometime in October, with a harvest in November, and continuing through the winter :)
Hrm... either I screwed up, or am way too impatient for my own good. 3 of the trays I've had for going on three weeks now, and thus far, not a single seed has sprouted. I'm beginning to wonder what the flip is going on here...
Since I have so many TS Moruga peppers on my plants right now, I really need to dehydrate some, so I filled up my dehydrator, and let it go. I set it to 115 so I could save the seeds...
Tray 1 (Yellows)

Tray 2 (More Yellows)

Tray 3 (Still more Yellows)

Tray 4 (Yellows on the left, Reds on the right)
Today, I finally got around to weeding the garden, and upon finishing, I have good news and I have bad news....
The Bad News: While weeding, I noticed 5 hornworm caterpillars treating my pepper plants as their own personal salad bar. Needless to say they were dealt with (read: stabbed them all with bamboo skewers and threw them out with the rest of the trash). As a result, I lost a number of Bhuts (mainly white and chocolate), and several chocolate Morugas. Also saw a minor infestation of thrips on several 7Pots, which will be promptly dealt with, courtesy of a shock and awe campaign of neem oil and pyrethrum :)
The Good News: While several plants were lost to the aforementioned hornworms, the majority of my remaining plants (especially the 7Pots), were branching out and throwing out a mad quantity of flower buds, several weeks ahead of schedule. So this means by this time next month, or VERY early November, I'll have more pods than I know what to do with ;)
Edit: The neem oil & pyrethrum shock and awe campaign has been completed, and found a couple more hornworm caterpillars, which were duly dealt with and disposed of...