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condiment Salsa Tip 1 - Cilantro

The Hot Pepper

Cilantro turns to mush in salsa, unless you eat it right way. So how do you make salsa with cilantro? Or get that fresh cilantro taste that makes fresh salsa taste so good?

Tip: Make a cilantro pesto with olive oil and cilantro. No garlic, salt, or pine nuts here this is not for eating. Follow measurements for your basic pesto substituting cilantro for basil. Make about 1 cup. Process it well in the food procesor, until fine. Add an additional 1/2 cup olive oil and give in a quick pulse. Store in the fridge overnight (no longer!). Next day run it through a sieve and what you have is liquid cilantro! The fresh taste is preserved and the oil is fully infused.

Add to your salsa and blamo! See for yourself.
Just for that I am going to post another tip and enter a TD! next year ::::::runs::::::
or the fact that TB is quoting himself?
Bought a t-shirt for SalsaDude from the Danny Cash booth in NM---
"If any weed should be illegal, it should be CILANTRO."  He loved it. 
Fresh vs. frozen has no bearing. Point being in salsa it all turns to mush. That's why people add it last or sometimes when they serve. I'm not talking about making salsa and eating it all. I mean, as it matures (stored in fridge), the texture of the cilantro in the salsa is of wet lettuce. This is where the oil can come in handy. No wet lettuce effect for salsa that sits, or if you sell a fresh refrigerated salsa.