contest salsalady vs. Coach

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Its almost Beer-Thirty here

SL, The employees of Kenworth Renton have built the truck you need to haul that load of awesomeness you are about to unleash!

Come on people looking for some food damage!
One dish still to complete, ton of pics taken so far, then it'll be ready for plates. My first time to sit down all day.

No teasers posted yet due to time constrictions, but will be appearing in a while... started at 9am CST with both challenges at once, quarter to 6pm now.

Definantly having problems keeping the vultures at bay, they all look hungry...
...all of 'em buzzing around the kitchen. Kinda like mosquitoes at a Nudist Camp Picnic.

Pics coming soon. :beer:
Thanks, Walt, I'll need that truck to haul the LEFTOVERS! We finished with the backyard bayou blast a little while ago, and haven't even make it to dessert yet!

I came into the house to bring the youngster in to use the potty and snuck away to check on THP while she's taking care of bid'ness.

Christi's been fixing up the Hurricanes like crazy, but it took me 3 hours to get through that first drink while cooking and etc. FINALLY setting down to enjoy my second drink.
Pics of trucks... no food... shenanigans!

Ok - quick report here-
cold sitting outside, stuffed from the dinner, almost ready for the bread pudding dessert, little firepit going, all the main enrees put away and...

I bring the little princess into the house to use the potty...AGAIN! ..... and she informs me the pool of liquid in the hallway is from her younger brother!!!!

gotta go clean some back later, and if not TTTTOOOOO many huricanes...maybe with some pics...

(where's the bleach?)
More shenanigans!!!!! SL what the %^^^$^$^$^$^$? Thinks this is Fun Zone :lol:

...Hmmmm, too many drinks during TD's... fell asleep at keyboard while typing descriptions on photobucket.

No hangover, but neck is stiff as a friggin' board...
some miscellaneous pics from yesterday.

The purple caddy-


taking the Little Miss for a ride in the caddy-



Did a little Taste-testing-

Oh yea, you know what's comin'~
Some of the prep pics are in the internal memory of the camera and the camera patch cord is lost. But I figure y'all know what diced onions, celery and green peppers looks like! Here's what I have-

The Meats-
alligator, shrimp, Frog legs, crawfish, FRESH catfish,

Locally made andouille sausage in the dutch oven

chicken thighs for the gumbo

The alligator was a little shredded so I decided to make alligator fritters-


Fritters on the right, catfish pieces on the left in seasoned buttermilk

homemade sauces-
Coleslaw dressing, cocktail sauce, cajun mustard, tarter sauce,


The dishes-
Spicy Coleslaw-

Crawfish etouffee

Red Beans with andoulle and ham

From the back left-
Red Beans and andoulle, Shrimp Boil, Crawfish Etouffee, Chicken and Andoulle Gumbo in the DO

Fryin' it up-

with Hot and NotHot garlic bread

From top to bottom-
Catfish nuggets, Alligator Fritters, Frog legs on the left and Hush Puppies

Coleslaw in the back, tarter sauce, cocktail sauce and cajun mustard, rice, Hot and NotHot devilled eggs-

Dessert- Bread Pudding with Praline Sauce
Salsalady's Backyard Bayou Blast-

In the original Bayou Battle, we were given choices for the meat, cooking method, sides, etc. After the first go-around, I thought, "what could top that?" The answer- EVERYTHING! Here's the original battle- - If you care to check, I believe you will find everything listed in the original battle served up in our Backyard, Bayou Blast. ENJOY! (We sure did!)

The menu-
Devilled eggs- egg yolks mixed with mayo, dijon mustard S&P, some with cayenne also
Garlic bread- butter and garlic, some with Cajun Spice
Spicy Coleslaw- cabbage, carrot, purple onion, red bell pepper with mayo, cider vinegar, Cajun mustard, dry mustard, cayenne, S&P
Hush Puppies- cornmeal, flour, baking powder, milk, water, egg

Tarter Sauce- Mayo, pickles, onion, garlic, habanero powder
Cajun Mustard- dijon mustard, homegrown horseradish, dry mustard, cajun spice mix, cayenne
Cocktail Sauce- catsup, homegrown horseradish, lemon juice, Peruvian White habanero puree

Alligator fritters- minced alligaor, minced onion and garlic, minced green pepper, flour, baking powder, dry mustard, eggs, spicy Worcestershire Sauce, Ghost Fire hot sauce. Blend all the ingredients and form into patties, deep fry until golden brown

Fresh Catfish pieces- soaked in buttermilk seasoned with S&P, Cajun spice, tossed in cornmeal and flour seasoned with S&P, cajun spice and cayenne, deep fry until golden brown

Frog Legs- dip in seasoned buttermilk, coat with seasoned cormneal, deep fry until golden brown

Red Beans and Rice-
fry up sliced andouille sausage, saute The Trinity (onion, celery and bell pepper) in the andouille fat, season with S&P, bay leaf, Red Savina habanero chiles, add in soaked red beans and diced ham, and cook for about 4 hours until beans are nice and soft. Serve over rice.

Chicken and Andouille Gumbo-
Fry up the andoulle sausage in a heavy pot or dutch oven. Remove sausage and fry up boneless chichek thigh pieces dredged in flour seasned with cajun spices, remove chicken pieces from pan. Saute the Trinity in the drippings, add a little flour and stir, stir, stir until nicely golden brown. Put everything back in the pot, add okra, diced tomato, chicken stock, fresh thyme, file powder and more Red Savina pods. Cook in the oven for an hour or so.

Crawfish Etouffee-
Saute the Trinity in butter, add a little flour, cook and stir to make a nice roux. Add crushed tomatoes, chicken stock, Cajun spice, and crawfish. Serve over rice.

Shrimp Boil-
Boil up water, Old Bay Seasoning, cayenne, garlic and onion, fresh thyme, fresh corn on the cob and red potatoes until potatoes are cooked. Toss in the shrimp, give it a little stir and in a minute or two, remove all the goodies from the broth and serve right away.

Bread Pudding-
Bake diced french bread, milk, sugar, eggs, vanilla, and salt in buttered dish until set. Cool. Serve with whipped cream and praline sauce (pecans, brown sugar, corn syrup, water, butter, vanilla and evaporated milk)

Light and Dark rum, orange juice, cranberry juice, grenadine, lime juice and a splash of passion fruit concentrate (let me know if anyone wants the recipe, I'll have to get it from Christi ;) )

Clockwise from upper left-
spicy coleslaw, devilled egg, catfish, hush puppies, 'gator fritter, frog legs, spicy garlic bread

The Full Meal-
in the boat- gumbo on the left, rice and redbeans
Left Plate-shrimp boil and crawfish etouffee
Right Plate- see above

We were very happy to have a some good friends over whom we haven't seen in a while, and I was thrilled that everyone ate everything, and even the Little Miss ate a frog leg and liked it. We all ended up staying up way too late, and too many shenanigans, but I can't wait to do it again!

Laissez les bons temps rouler!
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