• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

salsalady's first grow log

This whole forum has inspired me to attempt to grow a few peppers. After receiving some seeds from another forum member, I decided to give it a go myself. The original plan was to have a local farmer grow them for me, but I'd feel real bad if they did a ton of work all season and they only produced a few pounds of peppers.

SO~ Here we go!

The seeds I received are-
Red Savina habanero
bhut jolokia
trinidad scorpion
7 pot- homegrown
7 pot- other

I printed out the growing instructions from Peppermania to have something to work with, bought a couple 72-cell starting trays, some germination mix, recruited SalsaNut0.5 to help, and set to work.

We set the seeds to soak in warm bleach water, filled the trays with dry germination mix and poured water over top of the mix and into the bottom tray. Rookie mistake! An hour later and the water was still pooled up on top of the mix, hadn't soaked up at all. So we dumped the mix out into a tray, added more water and mixed it up by hand. Back into the cells and after rinsing the seeds, we were finally ready to plant!

While we had the seeds soaking in little cups, 'Nut0.5 bumped one that was pretty full of water and splashed some of the 7 Pot seeds into the Trinidad Scorpion cup. OH WELL!

We ended up filling both 72 cell trays and putting 28 more seeds in a couple other plastic things I had laying around. OMG! 172 seeds! What Have I Gotten Myself Into?!?!? And the really scary thing is......I have some Aji Amarillo, orange Peter Peppers, Fatali and Peruvian white hab seeds on the way! YIKES!

Here's the temporary set up. It's under a SS table out in the salsa kitchen (hope the inspector doesn't pop in for a week or two until I can get the rest of the set up done). There's a space heater to keep thing warm, a blanket to hold the heat in, a thermometer in the tray, and we used colored toothpicks for ID-ing the different varieties.


all tucked in for the night-

I checked this morning and the temp in the tray is a nice cozy 80F.

And, in trying to find buckets to grow the plants in, I found these-

These are 4.5 gallon oil jugs from a restaurant, the kind that fryer oil or salad oil comes in. I picked up about 50 of them at the first place I went. We took the cardboard boxes off them already. I figure we can cut away the tops, but keep the handle, poke some holes in the bottom....what do you think? SCORE or BUST?
How in the wide, wide world of sports did a Chihuahua manage that. :lol:

Nice Manzano Lady. :)

Hauhau x fox terrier, very hyper and barkative(???). Caught him inside an 18gallon container eating cucumber plants before. Wifee wants to put him on ritalan(ADHD) :rofl: Me?... throw him in the smoker :hell:
more work in the pepper patch yesterday.

We are getting ready to go camping for a few days and I had to figure out an easier watering method for the neighbor who will be watering while we are gone. I reclaimed 3 soaker hoses from the lavender patch and zigzagged them across the tops of the bags.

They worked great. The neighbor can just turn it on for a couple hours and not have to mess with watering each individual plant.



I thought this Mystery pepper was a jalapeno and was getting ready to pick it when Maligator said his Mystery Plant was a Hungarian Carrot. So I decided to let-it-ride, and it looks to be the same.

A Peter Pepper and 2 more pics of the mysterious Purple Peter Pepper. I'm pretty convinced that the purple one is not a Peter pepper and I got some seeds or a seedling mixed up. The leaves have purple veins, the stems are purple and the pods are pointy and purple. Anyone care to venture a guess???



another mystery pepper getting ripe

And my pepper patch pal. He follows me around, just to check things out.
Hauhau x fox terrier, very hyper and barkative(???). Caught him inside an 18gallon container eating cucumber plants before. Wifee wants to put him on ritalan(ADHD) :rofl: Me?... throw him in the smoker :hell:

blankey-blank ankle-biters~~~ probably would make a decent meal.

And then there's our dog that could feed a village for a week- :lol:

Pretty neat set up with the soaker hoses SL! Well done. Lemme tell ya that Bulgarian Carrot I ate had plenty of heat in it. I was kind of surprised to be honest. I figured it would be just a medium heat type. Nope...lil sucker had a kick to it. Hooray for Bulgarian Carrots suprise ;) No longer a mystery pepper :cool:
this one lookslike a mesilla cayenne...long and the ends kinda resemble the end of an elephants trunk...I grew them two years in a row and they are good, big, healthy, and hot cayennes...

all your plants look good SL...any close ups of the bhuts or T. Scorpions?

Thanks, AJ.

I haven't posted any closeups of the bhut or scorpions or 7's yet as they are just now getting a few flowers. And the Aji Amarillo's are very tall and viney, but not a single flower yet.

THe Red Savina habs and the fatallis are short (12-18"), but they have tons of flowers and pods. I saw a fatalii pod on one plant a couple weeks ago.

Any Idea what that pointy purple pepper is?
no ma'am unless it is a purple serrano...I got seeds from Jackie (pepperfever) and they kinda resemble the pods...maybe ask her if they look like what she grew...
You're plants are coming along nicely.

My Aji Amarillo is tall too and has been reluctant to flower as well. If it doesn't produce this fall I don't think I'll plant this one again.
Oh, It's Summertime! Yea, it's Summertime! (QUICK! 10 points to whoever can name that tune!)

Okay, back on topics~

We just got home from 5 days camping and look what was waiting for us! Aren't they purty?!?

The red one and the purple one (mystery not-peter pepper) are very thin walled. The red one has what I would guess to be maybe a cayenne heat and the purple one a little less. The orange one, which we think is Hungarian Carrot is very thick walled and meaty. It reminds me of an orange jalapeno in heat size and shape.


While we were away, the neighbor lady helped out by turning the soaker hoses on and off. She straightened the tomatoes after the wind storm on Friday, fixed one of the hoses that kept slipping off the fitting, and fetched the Pepper Ridge Farm peppers from the Post Office and kept them in her fridge for me. An all around great gal. She also built all the cabinets for her and her husband's retirement home just a couple years ago. Thanks, Neighbor!

Still no flowers on the aji amarillo though..... :think:
Song = Summertime by Will Smith! Ok...I win...what do I get? ;)
Plants are looking good SL. My Aji Amarillo is loaded with leaves and lush but no pods or flowers yet either...Keep up the good work SL and thanks for sharing the pics.
the song was a play on the song "Suppertime" from the show "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown". Snoopy does the happy-song-and-dance about "Suppertime! Yea, it's suppertime! It's super-pupper-upper super-duper-suppertime!.........bedtime, overtime, halftime, too...but they just can't hold a candle to my SUPPERTIME!"

here's an amateur vid of Snoopy singing about "Suppertime"

Don't know about the Will Smith song, but if there is one, you win 10 POINTS! :)

JS- the superhots are small but healthy. Some habs and fataliis have pods, 7 Pods and TriniScorps are finally getting some flowers. Only a few flowers on the bhuts and none on the Douglah. But after eating a douglah today...I'm not sure that I care if the Douglahs get any pods or NOT! LOL! Video up as soon as I can work out an Apple/Windows editing issue. I have to go check to be sure it was you, but I think you know what I mean! (edit- yep! that was you eating that crazy stuff!)

OMG! that was HOT!
A Peter Pepper and 2 more pics of the mysterious Purple Peter Pepper. I'm pretty convinced that the purple one is not a Peter pepper and I got some seeds or a seedling mixed up. The leaves have purple veins, the stems are purple and the pods are pointy and purple. Anyone care to venture a guess???



I took advantage of a free seed offer on another site earlier this year. I got seed that was labeled Purple Marconi, and they look almost exactly like these, but nothing like the traditional shape of a Marconi pepper. I'll snap a photo of them and post it for comparison. I'd really like to figure out what they are, because I really doubt they are Marconis.

Everything is looking great SL! Keep up the good work!
It seems like I haven't done a thing on here, but there hasn't been anything new to post until now. Last week we moved all of the fatalii, red savina, 4 douglas, peter peppers, 2 hungarian carrots, 2 cayennes and a couple mystery peppers into the green house. Had about 2 weeks of cold, dreary rain and we havn't even had a harvest! Just a couple of pods here and there.

This is one of the cayenne plants, the onther one still has all green pods, and I counted over 40 pods on one plant that stands only about 15" tall and has about 3 branches. I'm waiting for all the pods on that one plant to ripen for the grand picture-

the first Red Savina to ripen- while they were still outside-

Tons of tiny Peruvian Whites on these plants- these little suckers pack a big punch!

some big Red Savinas


I'm headed back out to finish moving the plants that won't fit in the greenhouse to a better location so they'll get more sun during the day. Will post updates later today.
Keep an eye out for aphids in the greenhouse. So far, that is the only place I've seen them at my place. Love those Fataliis! I just got my jars of puree from AJ (2 Fatalii, 1T Scorp, and 1 Naga Morich) and am currently on FIRE after mixing into my green chile chicken soup. Great pics SL.