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fermenting Salt percentage when using vacuum bags to lacto ferment

Hey all, so I have been doing a lot of reading to plan out my fermentation journey with the extra peppers I planted this year. I was thinking of primarily going for hot sauces, all small batch. I have a chamber vacuum sealer so I was planning on making a mash of peppers and whatever else for a paticular recipe and adding it to the vacuum bag and letting it ferment. I had two questions, what is everyones recommended fermentation time? In my readings it seems like this is all over the place. Secondly, in one of the tutorial posts, they mention 8% by weight for salt, when some of the recipes I have seen are closer to 3% or even 2%, whats everyones thoughts on that?

Looking forward to hearing everyones answers!
Welcome Bink!

Others here on THP are much more fermenter experts, here's my .02 ...

Fermentation doesnt happen in a Vac sealed bag as fermentations have to breathe. Hence the use of air locks and bubblers.

8% salt sounds waaaaaaay to high. Most notes are in the 2-4% range.

Good luck and Have Fun!
Welcome to THP @bink.

I ferment quite a lot, but I haven't tried the vacuum-seal method yet, so keep that in mind.

You're right, you'll get all kinds of recommendations for duration and salt %. From what I've read and watched, it looks like 3 weeks and 2-3% salt by weight. I think the salt percentage may need to increase to around 5% if you're fermenting other things along with the peppers.

Not sure if you're familiar with the YouTuber ChilliChump, but he has many videos out there. You might find THIS ONE of interest.

Good luck with your ferment! Let us know how it goes.