• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Sauce Biz.

Sambal, sauces and pickled peppers

Pickled peppers. The 3 big jars contain whole peppers. The smaller jars are mixes of 7 pepper varieties, carrots, cucumbers, garlic and spices.



Sambal. I made sambal in 3 colors.
Green (jalapeno/fresno) - 3 jars
Yellow (lombok orange?) - 7 jars
Red (Habanero) - 9 jars

Yellow sambal on turkey
Sauces. I made 4 sauces (actually 3 but the third in 2 colors)

Thai Chilli Sauce (with habanero and raisins) - 7 bottles, 3 jars
Caribbean Hot Sauce (with habanero and carrots) - 7 bottles, 2 jars
Sweet Chilli Sauce Green (with jalapeno, ginger and lime) - 3 bottles, 2 jars
Sweet Chilli Sauce Orange (with lombok, ginger and lime) - 3 bottles, 1 jar



Thai Chilli Sauce on cheese

Extra jars of pickled peppers and sauce

I can post the recipes here. I wrote them down somewhere.
good stuff and plenty of it :) can you say what recipes did you used for sambal/sauce/pickles? im about to proces my peppers and i could use some recipe sugestions.
UnNatural said:
Nice collection! Are you planning on selling these, they look very professional.

Thanks. I'm not selling, it's all for personal use :) but thanks for the compliment.

serrano said:
good stuff and plenty of it :) can you say what recipes did you used for sambal/sauce/pickles? im about to proces my peppers and i could use some recipe sugestions.

Here are the recipes.

200 gram peppers (any kind you like)
7 medium sized shallots
5 cloves garlic
3 tbsp sunflower oil
3 tbsp kecap manis

Finely chop peppers, garlic and shallots.
Oil, shallots and garlic in pan. Add peppers when shallots are getting soft and cook for about 5 minutes. Add kecap manis and let it simmer until desired thickness.

Pickled pepper mix:
I didn't really measure here, I just used everything that was left but I can tell you the ingredients and what I did

Peppers (I used 6 varieties)
Carrots (1 kilo)
Cucumber (3 large ones)
Garlic (20 cloves)
Coriander seeds
Mustard seeds
Juniper berries
Cumin seeds
Fennel seeds
Bay leaves

Water and salt

Cut peppers, carrots and cucumbers in pieces and put them with the garlic in salt water overnight.

next day drain veggies but don't wash. Combine vinegar (I used 3 liter) and spices and bring to a boil, let it cook for a couple of minutes. Use spices as you like, it tasted it to make sure the flavors were right.
Add vegetables and simmer for about 5 minutes until the peppers are hot.
Transfer into jars (sterelized of course)
I put the jar in a hot water bath for 20 minutes.

sauce recipes in the next post :)
Sorry for the european measurements.

Thai Chilli sauce:
110 gram Sultana Raisins
70 gram chopped peppers (I used Habaneros)
230 ml vinegar
90 gram sugar
5 tbsp Agave sirop
1 clove of garlic
1,5 tsp chopped ginger
salt to taste

Before you start put the raisins in water (roomtemperature). Let the raisins rehydrate and drain very good.
Chop peppers. Everything in pan on low heat until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 15-20 minutes.
When done in blender till desired thickness and/or smoothness.

Caribbean Hot Sauce:
128 gram chopped carrots
6 chopped peppers (habaneros)
2 cloves of garlic
1 small onion
400 ml water
3 tbsp lime juice
2 tbsp vinegar
salt to taste
1 tbsp sunflower oil

Oil, garlic and onion is pan. Simmer till onion is soft. Add water and carrots and cook for 15 minutes.
Take pan of the heat and add other ingredients. In blender until smooth.

Sweet chilli sauce recipe will follow tomorrow
Wow! Nice work Vincent! This is the perfect The Hot Pepper thread... tons of great pictures and recipes to boot!

I'm going to try making your sambal recipe with some thai peppers I have.

Looks like you're all set for personal gifts for Christmas this year. I like your selection of bottles and jars too... not the typical woozies.
Looks fantastic and as said, ncie jars/labels too. :)

BTW, I didn't know what "Kecap Manis" was, so here's a explaination and recipes if ya can't find it:


Kecap manis

kecap manise, ketjap manis

[KEH-chuhp MAH-nees]

An Indonesian sauce similar to a sweet soy sauce flavored with garlic and/or star anise. Kecap manis is sweetened with palm sugar and is used as a condiment. The sauce is thick and not at all salty and has a very rich caramely flavor.
QuadShotz said:
Looks fantastic and as said, ncie jars/labels too. :)

BTW, I didn't know what "Kecap Manis" was, so here's a explaination and recipes if ya can't find it:


thanks :)

I love Kecap manis. My favorite use for it is to marinate chicken. Kecap manis, fresh ginger, garlic and of course fresh peppers. Mix all together and leave chicken in it overnight. I usually slice the chicken in cubes and make sate. I can eat that every day :)
Kecap Manis FTW!

I picked up a bottle at an asian grocer over the weekend and I really like the flavor of the stuff. It's a cross between chinese soy sauce and thick soy sauce (the kind with molasses) with some extra flavor I can't quite put a finger on. It's sweet and I think I'm going to play with using it in place of sugar in some of my dried jolokia sauces.

Inspired by your pictures and recipes, I made the sambal you describe. The end result is delicious but a little chewy. I think maybe I needed to cook the peppers longer? I cooked them at least 5 minutes, but maybe should have gone longer. I didn't chop things fine enough, I think.



QuadShotz said:
It kinda sounds like Hoisin Sauce.

It does a bit, but kecap manis is more like dark soy sauce than hoisin. It lacks the blackstrap molasses taste and cloying quality of the dark soy sauce though. There's a white sticker on the back of the bottle that calls it ABC "medium soy sauce" which is pretty telling I think.

If you substituted hoisin I think you'd have something else entirely. I love hoisin in my bowls of Pho and on my mu shu's. You wouldn't want kecap manis for either.
smariotti said:
Kecap Manis FTW!

I picked up a bottle at an asian grocer over the weekend and I really like the flavor of the stuff. It's a cross between chinese soy sauce and thick soy sauce (the kind with molasses) with some extra flavor I can't quite put a finger on. It's sweet and I think I'm going to play with using it in place of sugar in some of my dried jolokia sauces.

Inspired by your pictures and recipes, I made the sambal you describe. The end result is delicious but a little chewy. I think maybe I needed to cook the peppers longer? I cooked them at least 5 minutes, but maybe should have gone longer. I didn't chop things fine enough, I think.




I'm glad you like it :) I should have mentioned I chop everything till it's really fine.