Greetings ChefIsrael~ and

to THP!
I believe it was Lucky Dog Hot Sauce (Scott Zalkind) who posted about the small packets. I don't remember the specifics, but it was along the lines of -
If using a co-packer, the order was something like 50,000 packets (when are you EVER going to go through 50K sample packets as a small business???? ) Issues with using sample packets seemed to be---if you give people sample packets at a market or event, they take the packets, go home and usually don't order online. If you send out mass marketing sample packets by mail...again, the orders don't justify the cost of the samples and mailings, etc.
Most small batch hot sauce makers rely on face to face sampling to get started. Direct sales. Boots on the ground going door to door with your sauce and talking with store owners directly to take on your sauces. (not literally door to door, just targeting places who could sell your sauces in person...)
It's hard to see the profitability or sales results from doing a 50K run of packets unless you get a contract with a fast food or convenience store chain which will put your packeted sauce out on their condiment bar in 100 stores. Or maybe a military contract! That would be cool!!!
For larger size pouches (5oz/148ml size) ...making that transition from hot sauce in bottles to mylar pouches is a big leap. People like to see the sauce, love the color, bits of pepper and spices....I feel like losing that visual aspect of the product will make it very difficult for sales. especially at markets and such.
hope these comments helps and Best of Luck for your sauce venture!!!