I'm sorry I didn't get back on Tuesday, but it is a good thing because I have had a chance to try the new pepper a few times since hot pepper night.
First of all I want to thank Judy for sending me some 7 Pod Lavas with some other peppers I got from her.
I got all my peppers on Thursday so I had quite a few days before Monday, and you just can't wait can you? Well, I cheated and tried a sliver along with the restaurant owner of ChamPinos (who uses my peppers for his Inferno wing sauce) when I brought one to show him when my wife and I went to eat out on Friday. I at least knew how hot it was which gave me a good idea on what to compare it with for our Monday night testing. I also had enough time to make most of them into powder, which I brought to BDS Mongolian Grill to try out on my stir fry.
OK for hot pepper night. First of all, you can see the lava we tried out on the facebook page that I linked to a few posts up. Its worth looking at because these lavas are monsters. I sell my powders in the 2 ounce condiment containers that most restaurants have available to put things in. It can take as many as 40 Primos to fill one of these up and 7 of these lavas half filled one of the containers.
I brought for comparison, the 7 pod Lava and a Red Brain Strain, which came from seed from Judy originally anyway. We only had 7 people trying these that evening. Sometimes the turnout is a little slack and sometimes the place is jammed out. The bar was full, but 3 couples didn't want any part of really hot peppers. We compared the powders first. I apparently didn't agree with the crowd this time. I liked the taste of the Brain Strain better, but literally, everyone else prefered the Lava in taste and they said the heat was more with the Lava. We all tried the two as smaller fresh pieces.
The small pieces we tried were more unusual than most every other pepper. When people first tried the piece, there was hardly any heat to it and people even had a chance to say, thats not all that hot, but then... These had a longer time release heat even compared to the Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpions we tried a few weeks ago. The heat just kept building and stayed a really long time. I think the heat was building for a good 2 minutes. The Brain Strain after about 10 seconds was REALLY hot, but then it leveled off quicker than the 7 pod Lava. To me, that night, I still prefered the Brain Strain in taste. So, everyone but me thought the Lava tasted better and was hotter. So that is the finding but I didn't agree with everyone else.
OK, now it has been a few days and I have tried my Lava powder at home, a Mexican restaurant, an Italian restaurant, and at at BDs. I also tried a larger piece than the samples we passed around on Monday.
This one is funny, the larger the amount, the faster it is hot. Apparently, the smaller pieces just didn't have enough materiaal to have the more instant burn, especially compared to the guys who are eating the whole thing, which is truly massive compared to brains and scorpions. The powder is growing on me. In my chili rellenos, it had a good solid red taste, really good heat, but it didn't over power the food. I like the Brain Strain for flavor, but it over powers some foods I use it on, which is alright I guess. The Primo powder I make is the same way. It has a much stronger taste to it but the heat can be over powering and the flavor stands out in food as opposed to just having a good heat and tasting what you bought.
I think the 7 Pod Lava is going to be a really good pepper to grow and to eat. When you try a sample of fresh pepper, or powder by itself, all you taste is the pepper, but how often are you really doing this? What is more important in the long run is what does it taste like in your food or in a sauce? I have to say, I'm liking these more each day and they are well worth trying in the future. Just with 7 peppers, I have enough powder to last me a few months. Tom