food Sandwich of the Month

Awesome and chingon G!
Your sammich is the one I had in my mind when I posted mine but my execution didn't roll nearly as well as yours.
And the mustard...why didna' I think of that?
G, you are one of the true gems here on THP.
You rock girl!
The natives are getting restless and bangin' the bongo's about leftovers in the THP threads.
I declare December SOTM to be Leftovers!
Turkey. Ham. Duck. Whatever you got. 
Got some green bean casserole? Leftover mashed 'tate's?
Get creative and slap it on some bread and 'tho down with some hotness!
One Pot Meal sammies... come on y'all... before the TB delivers on that veggie leftover. Guac sammie????
Too late.
I snarfed all the guac but am thinking of making a small test batch with pineapple.
I can't believe that Jay doesn't have some leftover hotdogs layin' around.
No, but it can.
Split 2 hotdogs down the middle and sear those bad boys in the CI and floppem' between some artisan/amoeba bread.
A hotdog is technically a sandwich with a regular hotdog bun idnit?
Posty up brocephus!
texas blues said:
No, but it can.
Split 2 hotdogs down the middle and sear those bad boys in the CI and floppem' between some artisan/amoeba bread.
A hotdog is technically a sandwich with a regular hotdog bun idnit?
Posty up brocephus!
Oh but you are forgetting that that would be breaking rule #6259-A of the Rules for Cooking and Posting on THP.  Specifically, a hot dog should never be split.
geeme said:
Yeah, but it has to be a LEFTOVER hot dog. . .  does such a thing exist in JayT's house?????
Short answer:  no.
JayT said:
Oh but you are forgetting that that would be breaking rule #6259-A of the Rules for Cooking and Posting on THP.  Specifically, a hot dog should never be split.
I thought that rule got overruled by the Aussie's no?
I can't out drink 'em.
They cook sheeit that would make a billy goat puke but make it look and taste awesome.
Those stinkin' bastiges have a lot of pull around here ya' know.
Got any leftover queso?
Okay that was as dumb as asking about leftover hot dogs.
T'ain't no how no way.
The white lasagna sandwich is an urban legend.  It is said to only come out the week after a throwdown.  People have told tales of it, yet when questioned, it seems no one has actually seen it for themselves.  
Screw that noise. Deep fry it in panko, drop it in a bagette, and call it a Mountville shrimp po boy. 
Well, we are 11 days into December and apparently no one has anything to make a leftover sammie. I predict that this will soon be a bust and we will all have to look at guac sammies. <sigh>

The Hot Pepper said:
Screw that noise. Deep fry it in panko, drop it in a bagette
hell, that will make anything that is already good even better. somewhere in the fridge I have a piece of cod that could really benefit from being covered in panko and fried.
Jeff H said:
Well, we are 11 days into December and apparently no one has anything to make a leftover sammie. I predict that this will soon be a bust and we will all have to look at guac sammies. <sigh>
I'll give y'all a few more hours to post up.
After that y'all leave me no choice but to execute the guac sammich with extreme prejudice. 