food Sandwich of the Month

texas blues said:
I'll give y'all a few more hours to post up.
After that y'all leave me no choice but to execute the guac sammich with extreme prejudice. 
I'll post it after dinner, but it won't be in this thread since it won't be leftovers.
What do ya say TB, fish and chips for dinner? That is what I'm thinking.
Jeff H said:
I'll post it after dinner, but it won't be in this thread since it won't be leftovers.
What do ya say TB, fish and chips for dinner? That is what I'm thinking.
Fish n' chips sound goodern' hell to moi. I like that with jalapeno/caper tartar and you'd better make extra for dipping the chips too!
But alas, I have a pile of leftover guac I'm goin' to doctor up for a sammich tonight.
I got this whole Tex-Asian guac 'thang that has taken control of me and I can't help it.
texas blues said:
I'll give y'all a few more hours to post up.
After that y'all leave me no choice but to execute the guac sammich with extreme prejudice. 
Actually, I want to see that - leftover guac sammich, caught on camera  as The TB is taking his SECOND bite of that "lovely" brown goo......
geeme said:
Actually, I want to see that - leftover guac sammich, caught on camera  as The TB is taking his SECOND bite of that "lovely" brown goo......
Oh ye of little faith.
I ain't got no "brown goo" guac.
That's what fresh squeezinz n' pleazinz of limes are for. 
Shut ur traps. SoFlo S-Werked it today.
Boliche Ham Swiss Pickle Presses.


Save the Guac Foundation
Oh hell, that may be the best sorta-Cuban I've ever laid my eyes on!
JayT said:
Ahhh Sum saved guac!!!!
:lol: Yes, yes he did. TB keep your guac!
Have mercy!
SoFlo plancha cubano con PBR.
Sorry though but its too late to call back the bombers on the guac.
I has a 2,000 pound JDAM guacahollah bomb comin' later.
TB, is this that wheat bun with Sriracha and some guac added? :lol:
Well, I regret to inform you that the legend of the lasagna sandwich has gone the way of BigFoot.  Seems the missus ate the last of it for supper.
The Hot Pepper said:
TB, is this that wheat bun with Sriracha and some guac added? :lol:
Those are long gone.
I've got 2 choice's for bread. Use up the half a baguette mrs. blues ain't gonna' eat or sacrifice a 3 day old whole wheat bagel.
I was going to bake bread today but got busy working on an amplificadore'. 
I don't know what preservatives are in that bagel but they only last half a day before they are rocks here.
The White Lasagna Sandwich... one day it will surface. People will take blurry pics of it. They will post them on the internet. And there will be a documentary made of it on the History Channel. 
The Hot Pepper said:
I don't know what preservatives are in that bagel but they only last half a day before they are rocks here.
That is for true and 'specially for whole wheat bagels.
Like a brick.
These have been kept in the fridge which is probably a sin to bagels anyhow. I myself don't eat them.
I reckon I'll do the leftover baguette 'thang.
Clock is tickin' but right now I need a hosky.
Guacahollah JDAM all up in the hizzy y'all!
mrs. blues rolled up to The Blues Crib earlier this evening and lo' and behold what does she have? She stopped at the local Try-N-Save and picked up 2 fresh made this afternoon WHOLE WHEAT BAGELS!
Apparently she had forgot about the old bagels she didn't eat in the fridge. I threw those in the garbage as they were like limestone.
So here's how I got my SOTM Leftover Sammich on.
I toasted a fresh whole wheat bagel, and added thin sliced tomato, swiss scheeze, and pickled xalapa.

Then I dumped a pile of leftover guac w/pineapple from 2 days ago on each slice for an open faced sammich style. I also had some leftover goat scheeze that needed to go away. I took some of the goat scheeze and rolled it around in a bowl of chile garlic sauce and dropped a big deuce on the guac.

I ain't too proud to steal stuff from anybody but I made this sheeit up my own 'sef.
True story.

The pina' guac rocks just as it is but when you tho' down that chile goat scheeze...that's a for true "come to Jesus" moment y'all! 
I ain't lyin'!

There it is y'all.
I just posted a leftover guacamole sammich.
Y'all GOTS to have some leftover's.
Posty up your dang bacon, pork, sweet potato, turkey salad, or whatever. (lasagna sammich)
Just look at the dang leftover Cubano that Sum/SoFlo posted.
C'mon now.
I'm drunkand at a bar right now but shit is that a hippie tostada on a bagel wtf tb I revoke yohyt texan card... ejhwheshuuwa chingadera chingon wtfffffffffffffff