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food Sandwich of the Month

Thanks all! :D
Eh he oven was of my friend, but i still was the cook (not that grilling these things it's difficult). But i wasn't the firemaster. :D
It's a cheap prebult oven, but rocks because it's compact and serve its purposes. My friend fixed it well on ground. The bad thing is that i fear it's near its end after some yeas, but since it was not expensive...
SumOfMyBits said:
All I did was sandwich bot some Genoa Salami, Muenster Cheese, and top it with a healthy dose of RocketMan's Captain's Mustard all on seedless rye.
Wow, that's similar to a toast but better!!!
I don't know Muenster Cheese and i think i've never had Genoa salami...
geeme said:
Essegi's is not a sandwich, it's a MOUNTAIN! I want to see the pics of you taking a bite of that beautimeous thing. I'm sure a mess ensued - and one sandwich coma followed!
We ate that in 2 (but then i ate other cheese and meat), i cheated, i ate half first, then other half (half divided by thickness dimension, simnmetry helps here). :D
If i had a press i had used it.
Cheese again.

Random shot of Grana Padano aged 24 months and fresh Asiago, and Gorgonzola in background...
Here is a crust cooked in the right way:


I know microwave is not the best cooking gear, but it's fine for that. Crunchy and very tasty.
And the sandwich: ham, Grana Padano for grill and Tosella, cooked with the press (bread precooked a bit):

Porca troia!!!!!
That looks absolutely incredible Essi.
Melty cheesy goodness and looks just perfect paired with bread.
But it needs something.
Hmmmmmm what is it?
Hot stuff!
Ha ha u'r right! Maybe some Tabasco sauce (could be a basic thing, but i like it) and pepper powder (i don't have other atm).
It must be said that it's not a perfect melt, that cheese is thick, some cooking on a grill would have been better.
A nice roasted pepper would be killer on that. Not that it isnt anyways!! My 3 favorite cheeses as well. Well played Essegi well played
Grilled Scheeze RocketMan Style

Bread, sharp Cheedar, Pulled Pork with SoFlo Man Gravy with Fatalii, Pickleze, more cheese, bread


Into the Sandwich machine and plate


So dang good had to go back for another to go with my Veggie Straws

Wow RM.
Looky at all that scheeze sploogin' out!
That sammich has it all.
A shit-ton(official SoFlo measurement) of sploogey scheeze.
Man gravy.
Like Deez Nuts.
Goodern'h to the e to the double el.
Nice, RM! I bet that was good.
And mincing the pickleze into relish is a damn good idea. More even flavor distribution of ingredients.
I like my pickleze shreads, but I might have to mince up one of my jars now after seeing this.
Essegi said:
Ha ha u'r right! Maybe some Tabasco sauce (could be a basic thing, but i like it) and pepper powder (i don't have other atm).
It must be said that it's not a perfect melt, that cheese is thick, some cooking on a grill would have been better.
Would you like some pepper powder, Essegi? I have a shit-ton of it, and could never use it all myself. Let me know and I'll send you some. No problem.
That goes for the rest of you 'cooking with fire' regulars too.
Don't be shy!
Nice RM!
muskymojo said:
Would you like some pepper powder, Essegi? I have a shit-ton of it, and could never use it all myself. Let me know and I'll send you some. No problem.
That goes for the rest of you 'cooking with fire' regulars too.
Don't be shy!
Thanks a lot, very appreciated! But i still have some powder, when i'll finish that i could still ask some to my uncles (i hope to have some new pods before). ;) At the moment i can still hold on my own. ;)
A nice roasted pepper would be killer on that. Not that it isnt anyways!! My 3 favorite cheeses as well. Well played Essegi well played
Esse your first attempt was not a melt.
Your second attempt melted my screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And my heart.
The Hot Pepper said:
Esse your first attempt was not a melt.
Your second attempt melted my screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And my heart.
Lol thanks, i thought a scold was incoming for not using hot stuff (the truth is that i had to share it so no hot stuff :P).
I guess you melted my mind too, I didn't even try to look for that.
True sicman, no need to save grilled cheese!
JayT said:
little know fact, Essigi does not wear shirts.
Ha ha lol i suppose my style is better descrived with that:

(btw i don't like at all mortadella)