food Sandwich of the Month


Grilled cheese sammich
#Dipping Sauce  :hotsauce:
Tomorrow is sunday.
Thats my day to bring the comida.
For my Mexican compadres.
Stinkin' Miguel, Antonio, Placido, and Jorge.
But they love gabacho sammich's.
Crock pot pulled pork.
Stubbs Original BBQ sauce.
Rio Grande Valley sweet onions.
Kosher dill pickle slices.
Sharp cheddar scheeze.
Flat grilled toasted Pepperidge Farm Whole Wheat buns.
I didna' make it hotness.
Because those vatos are pussy's.

Ready for manana.

To be continued.....
I liked those, because I'd like to be liking them today.
Tomorrow? Not so much.
Don't the buns get all soggy that way?  :think:
I almost forgot to double-space this.
Can't be single-spacing a post about TB's food.
geeme said:
I liked those, because I'd like to be liking them today.
Tomorrow? Not so much.
Don't the buns get all soggy that way?  :think:
I almost forgot to double-space this.
Can't be single-spacing a post about TB's food.
No way Jose.
Thats why I toasted the buns.
And put the onions on the bottom.
Pickles went on top of the porkage.
And the cheese over that.
Microwave insulation.
The Hot Pepper said:
Uh well that was English homie. :high:

And you added an apostrophe making it a possessive not me.
We're still waiting for you to post a sammich.
And now you're an english teacher.
Its been said.
Those that can't.
When I worked in construction I'd make heroes and freeze them the night before. In the a.m. take out and put in Igloo mini cooler. At work, by noon, they were thawed and perfect. Much better than stale soggy bread. Trick was, don't use lettuce or tomato as don't freeze/thaw well, but meat, bread, cheese, condiments, and hot peppers, well... it just worked lol. And no one wants to be making sammies at 4 am. Do what cha gotta do. I trust your methods.
The Hot Pepper said:
When I worked in construction I'd make heroes and freeze them the night before. In the a.m. take out and put in Igloo mini cooler. At work, by noon, they were thawed and perfect. Much better than stale soggy bread. Trick was, don't use lettuce or tomato as don't freeze/thaw well, but meat, bread, cheese, condiments, and hot peppers, well... it just worked lol. And no one wants to be making sammies at 4 am. Do what cha gotta do. I trust your methods.
You surprise me.
And I realize.
You're just another guy like me.
That love people.
And sammiches.
Love the one you're with.
Cuddle with her.
Cook and clean for her
Sleep in the wet spot.
And make HER a sammich.
Thats my love advice.
And the best I can do.