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Satans Sh!t

ive seen a couple reviews and the ingredients list for this. does anyone know if, or were i could buy it american?
here is a link of people eating it



ps, donot yell at me for the name :)
sounds, uh, appetizing?

the expression on the dude's face in that vid capture above is telling. Looks really, really hot. I'll have to watch that clip later, thanks for posting.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. . . . . . I just don't get it.

If you are that desperate for an endorphine rush go ride your bike in traffic during rush hour and save the money.
from the ingredients list, the stuff must be nasty...

If I'm hosting a BBQ (as I am this Sat) chances are good that I'll work hard on my meat (heh heh...hehe...huh...hehehe) - ill marinate and/or dry rub it, and serve it beaming with pride (jeez, I'm still talking about cooking, ok?)

Anyway, I keep asking why why why after all that effort to make something delicious would I even consider putting something on it that makes my face look like the dude in the image above?

I'm with RedTail on this one - go bungee jump or cliff dive or whatever if you need a rush. 15 million SHU does not sound like food. in my humble opinion of course.
Your right. I was only interested in owNing this as a collectible, not to eat. May try a tooth pick drop though :)

God - those guys are insane. Finally watched it and holy god that looked like a horrible experience.

They said it tasted really fruity at first, but about 10-12 seconds in he got this pained look - just washed over him. Brutal - just brutal to watch.

I'd taste it, but those two killed like 1/5 of that jar in a couple bites. Sheesh.

10 mins later they were HURTIN'
SS is Pete from Brighton's stuff isn't it? I thought he's won many awards, supposed to be great. I wrote to him once. He seems to be a nice guy. Just ordered me some JR Gourmet (all)and Doyle' ginger bingle, the whole shebang. Can't get an mazing array of good sauces in South Korea.There's a few good uns here though. Could do sauce and powder swaps i guess.