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saving/storing peppers for future sauce

hi, this might be a stupid question but I'll ask it anyway :)
I have several peppers -- some yellow (fatalli, hot lemon and yellow fresno) and some red (mostly tabasco with a few serranos thrown in) that I want to make hot sauce out of.  My dilemma is that while I got a lot (not the tabascos) earlier in the summer, right now they are ripening pretty slowly.  So, while I wait to get enough to make a decent batch of sauce, I have them chopped (the yellow) and whole-ish (the red) in big jars with regular white vinegar (with a little salt) in the fridge, adding more peppers to the jars as they ripen.
my question(s) is, is this ok to do?  Is it the right thing to do?  I didn't want to freeze them, although I guess I COULD have....
they seem fine so far (not molding) but not sure if there's a better way to "hold onto" peppers while waiting to get enough to make a sauce with.
any help would be appreciated!!!
ps.  This was haul #4, with some tomatoes in there too, from 9/8/18 - it's been pretty slim pickings since then and I dried most of what you see here....
Pepper harvest 4 180911.jpg
Frozen would have been best. The cell walls do break so they lose their crisp when thawed, but when making sauce, it's no matter.
A nice way to do it is use this chance to deseed them by cutting in half lengthwise, and vacuum sealing.
 I have the same issues as you.  Pick the ripe peppers and freeze them.  My habanero do not ripen until late September and into October, and they are part of my recipe.  I have a boatload of frozen cayenne and jalapeno waiting for the day.  Hot peppers freeze well.
Hot peppers do freeze well.....and then can be used in many ways. 
Sauce, dehydrate, ......sauce.......Oh Yea!  dehydrate and into powders and spice blends....
Fall harvest time is a bit of panic time!  and it is a good thing to have that kind of panic... 
The best ways to preserve the peppers 'as is' or in their purest forms are-
simple AJ'S puree process (boiling water bath)
If you have time and resources/equipment....
make sauces
Have Fun~~~?   :lol: