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Savoury chilli recommendations

Hi all, just looking for some chillies that have and earthy, savoury, rich flavour. Any recommendations? I plan on semi drying and making into a flavour dense paste with some salt to add rich flavour to cooking.
One of my favorite peppers for cooking and drying for powders is the Ethiopian Brown Berbere.....very flavorful pepper...medium heat.
D3monic said:
Was going to say aji panca but it's brown.
Aji Pancas are the earthiest chiles I've tried so far. . . and, apparently, they are popularly used in pastes.  But yeah, totally brown.
I'm not as experienced with the wide variety of chiles that many members here are, but I personally cannot think of a red pepper with an earthy taste, although I recall seeing a pod test on this forum by the kid in Japan.  It was a big, fleshy sucker and he kept saying it was "savory...." I'll see if i can find it.
I don't think I have had any red pods that I would consider having the same earthy flavor as some of the brown pods.
With that said, I have grown the red pheno version of the Douglah the past 3 seasons and I think it is fantastic! To me the flavor is not similar to the brown as it is missing that earthiness of the brown, but I do agree it is one of the most savory of the red pods. It is blazing hot and has a very complex, rich, pure flavor without any bitterness. I like it better than the red brain strain or moruga scorpion, and depending on the day better than the primo. The powder I make from the pods is one of my favorites!
The Albanian Red Hot is OK... I grew it last year and wasn't that impressed with it. I like the Aleppo far better. The heirloom version from Fords is fantastic!
To me one of the most smokey, savory, and maybe even a bit earthy of the red pods is the pequin. Heat wise they are not habanero hot, but still produce quite a punch. The tepins that I have grown are maybe a bit hotter than the pequin, but do not have as rich of a smokey flavor.
Maybe mixing pequins with the Douglah red will get you close to what you are looking for? I have seeds for both if interested.
Jase4224 said:
Thanks for the suggestions guys, unfortunately I need red pods for my purpose :) I'll keep those in mind though
I'm just curious as to why the pod color matters if your primary purpose is to add flavor to cooking ?  The paste should not change the color of the food you are cooking or am I missing something ?
I would think the flavor is primary and color secondary but this is just my opinion lol. 
SavinaRed said:
I'm just curious as to why the pod color matters if your primary purpose is to add flavor to cooking ?  The paste should not change the color of the food you are cooking or am I missing something ?
I would think the flavor is primary and color secondary but this is just my opinion lol. 
Sorry to be a bit more precise it's for cooking sauces, so I don't want a muddy colour. I'm only using chilli, salt and vinegar so brown pods would make it look yuck. Red, orange and yellow are all ok but orange and yellows are not savoury at all in my experience.
hogleg said:
7-pot Burgundy
They have almost none of that fruity chinense perfume flavor. I consider them quite sweet and savory.
Damn of all the varieties I grew this year the 7-Pot Burgundy is the only one that didn't grow true :( It has the shape but is red
Jase4224 said:
Damn of all the varieties I grew this year the 7-Pot Burgundy is the only one that didn't grow true :( It has the shape but is red
Well they are red, its just a unique kinda red.
There has been a lot of debate and unsureness about what color they are suppose to be.
IMO this pic shows the correct color they should be (hopefully Justin doesn't mind me poaching his pic)  :D
And if you need seeds you should get them from Justin. Pheno appears correct and price cant be beat.
hogleg said:
Well they are red, its just a unique kinda red.
There has been a lot of debate and unsureness about what color they are suppose to be.
IMO this pic shows the correct color they should be (hopefully Justin doesn't mind me poaching his pic)  :D
And if you need seeds you should get them from Justin. Pheno appears correct and price cant be beat.
I got mine from Justin, but I wouldn't complain as the other 11 varieties I got from him all grew true. Mine are red, however they do have the same shapes as that pic. oh and it produces lots of decent size pods too! I'm yet to taste it though as I've been busy.

Should I re-name it a new variety called 7-pot Burgundy Red pheno? (Kidding)