• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Sawyer '14 - Seed Offer

A new season begins.  It's a work in progress, but here's my 2014 grow list as it now stands.  It will certainly have some additions as I'm still expecting some more acquisitions.  I hope it will have some deletions, too, because it's just too ridiculously long as it is now.  My hope is/was to grow at least 10 of each variety I grew and saved seeds from in 2013, in order to characterize the extent of cross pollination.  I may have to cut that back to 5 each, at least for some varieties.  Without further ado, here are the contenders:
7 Pots:

Brain Strain Yellow
Brain Strain Red
Brown (3 types)
(3)Chocolate Barrackpore (2 types)
Congo SR Gigantic
Large Red
Large Yellow
"not Red" (a serrano-/Inca Red Drop-shaped "not")
(5)Original Red

Trinidad Scorpions:
(5)Brown Moruga
(3,9)BubbleGum (2 types)
Butch T
Red Moruga/Moruga Blend
(5,12)Yellow Moruga/Moruga Blend
Yellow Original

(8)Black Naga
Brown Bhut
(8) Giant Bhut
Naga King
(1,12)Naga Morich
"not white" Yellow Bhut
Orange Bhut
(8)Purple Bhut
Red Bhut
White Bhut
(1,12)Yellow Bhut

(8)D'Bhut (7P Douglah x BJ)
(4)Elysium Oxide Bonnet
(3,8)Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
(3)Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion
(1,6)FG Jigsaw
(1,7)Funky Reaper
(8)Sepia Serpent
Long Smooth Red
Spicy Bell

(8)Manzano Amarillo
(2)Orange Manzano (2 types)
(2)Orange Locoto
Red Manzano
Yellow Manzano
(11)Giant Mexican Rocoto

(2,3)Bahamian Goat
(2,3)Bonda Ma Jacques
Brown SB
Brown Congo
(9)Freeport Orange SB (Bahamian Goat?)
Giant White Hab
(12)JA Hot Choc Hab
Large Yellow-orange Hab (not GWH)

Orange Hab
(8)Snow White
Yellow Hab
White Bullet Hab

Yellow Fatalii
(8)White Fatalii
(3,8)White Devil's Tongue


(10)Heritage Big Jim
(10)Heritage 6-4

Alma Paprika
Amarillo Chiltepin

(3)Brown Egg
(9)Devil Serrano
(3)GA Black
(3)Hungarian Hot Cherry
Large Red Hot Cherry
Pimenta de Neyde
(1,3)Tobago Treasure
(3)Trinidad Cherry
Trinidad Seasoning
(11)Orchid/Bishop's Crown
(4,11)Goat's Weed
(11)Brazilian Starfish
(11)Mako Akokasrade
(11)Bull's Heart

(10)NuMex Twilight
Chilly Chilli (F2)

Seeds from:
(1) - My own 2013 Grow (as are all otherwise unmarked entries)
(2) - PaulG
(3) - GA. Growhead
(4) - capsidadburn
(5) - PepperLover
(6) - Baker Creek
(7) - Devv
(8) - gnslngr
(9) - meatfreak
(10) - CPI
(11) - PL
(12) - MGOLD86

By my count, that's around 75 82 varieties, not counting the TBDs and expected new acquisitions. :shocked:  I have more space available for in-grounds in the garden now, and also plan to expand the potted plant grow area.  I plan to add some enhancements this year, in terms of custom lighting for stage 2 growth (3.5" square pots), isolation techniques, cap-based repellents, and more.  Stay tuned to see what actually happens. :rolleyes:
Edited list 1/5/14.
Edited list 1/19/14
Edited list 3/2/14, additions=blue, deletions=strike-through
You got the ID right brotha...enjoy. I included those two powders because they're made with those pods and I figured you might want to sample and see what you think. 
I did the same thing with a bunch of gladiolus bulbs and they popped right into action when tossed in the dirt. Of course our winter wasn't anything like what you've had. Good luck with the seeds!
What a massive grow you have there.  Whats the land space requirement for 1000 plants?  I would wager an acre.  Good luck on your nursery and grocery attempts.  Have you thought of trying to sell some plants on CL?  Not exactly retail, but skirting the line.  I've sold on there before and have customers contacting me for more.  Just a thought.
Keep on Growing Good.
stc3248 said:
You got the ID right brotha...enjoy. I included those two powders because they're made with those pods and I figured you might want to sample and see what you think. 
I did the same thing with a bunch of gladiolus bulbs and they popped right into action when tossed in the dirt. Of course our winter wasn't anything like what you've had. Good luck with the seeds!
I'll probably plant some of those seeds today.  Still waiting on some ornamentals, but they may get their own flat.  Thanks again, Shane!
HillBilly Jeff said:
What a massive grow you have there.  Whats the land space requirement for 1000 plants?  I would wager an acre.  Good luck on your nursery and grocery attempts.  Have you thought of trying to sell some plants on CL?  Not exactly retail, but skirting the line.  I've sold on there before and have customers contacting me for more.  Just a thought.
Keep on Growing Good.
When I was a kid, I worked in tomato fields in south AR, even had my own 1/4 acre crop when I was 14/15 (that's a tragicomic tale in its own right).  Anyway, the rule of thumb was 4,000 plants per acre and I plan on using the same density, so I'd need about a quarter acre for 1000 plants.  That's about twice what I have tilled up and probably a third of that is going to other vegetables.  That will be too dense for some of the bigger plants, but the jalapenos can be planted closer to free up some space.  I think I mentioned earlier I'm eyeing my front yard for a tillin', and I have a side meadow I can till, install raised beds, or more likely, place a bunch in pots.  In any case, hopefully I sell enough plants to keep the number of plants I actually grow to production well under the 1000 mark.  Still, it's going to get pretty pepper-crowded around here.
Yes, I have thought of CL, thanks for reminding me.  I generated some interest in the 2012 (mostly non-pepper) plant sale that way.  You sure get some weird responses when advertising on CL, though.  FWIW, I'll only be selling plants grown from seeds I produced myself or obtained from commercial vendors.  It wouldn't seem right selling plants grown from seeds provided for free from THPers.
John...Unless its a variety that someone wants to keep from getting out I wouldn't sweat selling plants from THP seeds. I think everyone here understands that wasn't your master plan. I have used CL to sell plants and it was a headache but worked. I was selling some 1 gallon supers that were almost 2' tall for $10 and folks were balking at the price. Considering the cost of electricity and water out here in the land of fruit and nuts and the local nursery sells them for $7-8 for some sorry little starts I thought it was a fair deal. Told one dude that was exceptionally rude with his haggling tactics to forget it...then he decided to pay the price but I told him deal off. Consider that you cost of a 1# nursery container is about a buck out here...some super seeds are 50 cents each or more, soil...nutes...electircity...TIME. I wasn't tying to get rich, but selling them for 5 or 6 bucks isn't worth the effort. The smaller pots I was letting go for that though and folks jumped on them. 
Another thought for you would be a pick your own type setup in your garden. I have thought about doing that when I retire. Just advertise a couple hours on Saturday and Sunday for people to come out and pick what they want and pay on the way out. 
I'm not sure how I missed the massive size of this grow the first time around. Wow. This will be fun to follow. I like the pick your own idea. I wonder how that would go over, so that would be another thing I'd watch. These sorts of peppers will be a hit with the right people, and then not so much with others. I think Shane's story about selling his extra plants shows that. The folks who don't know what they are getting would haggle that much. Pepper heads would think it's awesome.
Gonna be interesting when you get your plots set up. Can't wait for pictures! Good luck finding homes for the overflow plants. I only got a couple of extras but will probably give them to the com gardeners in neighboring plots. Still get to watch em grow that way.
Nice score from Shane John!
Impressed with the Alliums. I tried Elephant garlic for two years here, it hates me. I guess the summer temps are too much. Shallots, regular garlic and Onions do fine.
Regarding the thought of selling plants, I sold a few cheap, 4 bucks for 1 gal plants. But then they didn't hear listen to my instructions. They showed signs of trauma, sunburn mostly. The guy finally brought one in, pot was totally soaked, and since it sunburned he's been keeping it in the dark. I TOLD him Friday, put the plant on the East side of the house where the sun goes away around noon. It needs the light and the sun to harden off properly, don't worry about a few of the first leaves falling off. And I want it in the sun and wind to dry out. They're 14'' tall plants (most) and have forked twice, some three times. The trunk is going to wood and they will loose the early leaves as this progresses.
A call to him today to ask about the plants? Well they're in the garage...I about fell over.
So I'm like WTF? Hellooo? Don't know if this is worth it. Guess from now on I'll do something different. I'm just too anal to put up with this :D
Have a great week!
Devv said:
Nice score from Shane John!
Impressed with the Alliums. I tried Elephant garlic for two years here, it hates me. I guess the summer temps are too much. Shallots, regular garlic and Onions do fine.
Regarding the thought of selling plants, I sold a few cheap, 4 bucks for 1 gal plants. But then they didn't hear listen to my instructions. They showed signs of trauma, sunburn mostly. The guy finally brought one in, pot was totally soaked, and since it sunburned he's been keeping it in the dark. I TOLD him Friday, put the plant on the East side of the house where the sun goes away around noon. It needs the light and the sun to harden off properly, don't worry about a few of the first leaves falling off. And I want it in the sun and wind to dry out. They're 14'' tall plants (most) and have forked twice, some three times. The trunk is going to wood and they will loose the early leaves as this progresses.
A call to him today to ask about the plants? Well they're in the garage...I about fell over.
So I'm like WTF? Hellooo? Don't know if this is worth it. Guess from now on I'll do something different. I'm just too anal to put up with this :D
Have a great week!
He needs to lose custody over this abuse....Call Pepper Services to do a wellness check!!!
Sawyer said:
I'll probably plant some of those seeds today.  Still waiting on some ornamentals, but they may get their own flat.  Thanks again, Shane!
When I was a kid, I worked in tomato fields in south AR, even had my own 1/4 acre crop when I was 14/15 (that's a tragicomic tale in its own right).  Anyway, the rule of thumb was 4,000 plants per acre and I plan on using the same density, so I'd need about a quarter acre for 1000 plants.  That's about twice what I have tilled up and probably a third of that is going to other vegetables.  That will be too dense for some of the bigger plants, but the jalapenos can be planted closer to free up some space.  I think I mentioned earlier I'm eyeing my front yard for a tillin', and I have a side meadow I can till, install raised beds, or more likely, place a bunch in pots.  In any case, hopefully I sell enough plants to keep the number of plants I actually grow to production well under the 1000 mark.  Still, it's going to get pretty pepper-crowded around here.
Yes, I have thought of CL, thanks for reminding me.  I generated some interest in the 2012 (mostly non-pepper) plant sale that way.  You sure get some weird responses when advertising on CL, though.  FWIW, I'll only be selling plants grown from seeds I produced myself or obtained from commercial vendors.  It wouldn't seem right selling plants grown from seeds provided for free from THPers.
I wouldn't mind you sold plants that you've grown yourself from seeds I provided just to let you know. Also wanted to let you know that last season I experimented with having 2 or 3 plants on 1 spot. For the Annuum's it worked great, not so much for the Chinense since they brush out a lot more. I will do the same thing this season with my Jalapeno's, 2 or 3 depending on how much seedlings I have on 1 spot. Not all in 1 hole but like 3 or 4 inch distance between them.
HillBilly Jeff said:
He needs to lose custody over this abuse....Call Pepper Services to do a wellness check!!!
maximumcapsicum said:
That's why I fear putting my extras up for adoption. And yet I still plant too many and fail to cull. It's an illness really.
They need to learn, I know. But when I turn over beautiful plants and they start to go south you would think they would take my advise. Not that I'm a know it all regarding peppers by any means. But I managed to get them going during an 11 week period.
I'm just trying to get them to read the plants, and be smart about their care. I'd hate to see them die and think I handed over "bad plants".
Adam, yes you too have the disease! How can one not get attached to their work?
Things have really been cranking in the ol' THP glog subforum.  I'm following so many, I haven't made it into the subforum proper much lately.  Falling behind on a lot of good stuff.
stc3248 said:
John...Unless its a variety that someone wants to keep from getting out I wouldn't sweat selling plants from THP seeds. I think everyone here understands that wasn't your master plan. I have used CL to sell plants and it was a headache but worked. I was selling some 1 gallon supers that were almost 2' tall for $10 and folks were balking at the price. Considering the cost of electricity and water out here in the land of fruit and nuts and the local nursery sells them for $7-8 for some sorry little starts I thought it was a fair deal. Told one dude that was exceptionally rude with his haggling tactics to forget it...then he decided to pay the price but I told him deal off. Consider that you cost of a 1# nursery container is about a buck out here...some super seeds are 50 cents each or more, soil...nutes...electircity...TIME. I wasn't tying to get rich, but selling them for 5 or 6 bucks isn't worth the effort. The smaller pots I was letting go for that though and folks jumped on them. 
Another thought for you would be a pick your own type setup in your garden. I have thought about doing that when I retire. Just advertise a couple hours on Saturday and Sunday for people to come out and pick what they want and pay on the way out. 
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Shane.  I'm still on the fence about selling plants, in part for some of the exact reasons you discuss.  I'm thinking of doing a "pre-sale" on CL, with pick up to happen on Earth Day (or the weekend closest thereto).  I've also thought of the pick-your-own operation.  Thought I'd already mentioned that, but don't see it now.  My dad had one for  his muscadine vineyard back in the day.  I'm really hesitant about that now, though, because my luck, someone would just use it as an excuse to case the joint to come back later for nefarious purposes.  (Been too much thievery around here over the years.)
Pulpiteer said:
I'm not sure how I missed the massive size of this grow the first time around. Wow. This will be fun to follow. I like the pick your own idea. I wonder how that would go over, so that would be another thing I'd watch. These sorts of peppers will be a hit with the right people, and then not so much with others. I think Shane's story about selling his extra plants shows that. The folks who don't know what they are getting would haggle that much. Pepper heads would think it's awesome.
Hi Andy, thanks for stopping by.  I see you've got your 2014 glog going, too.  You're right about people in-the-know vs. the average citizen.  In any case, if I do sell, I won't haggle.  I'll negotiate if wholesaling to a retail nursery, and I really think that's my best option.  I really do want to grow out as many as I can, though.
maximumcapsicum said:
Gonna be interesting when you get your plots set up. Can't wait for pictures! Good luck finding homes for the overflow plants. I only got a couple of extras but will probably give them to the com gardeners in neighboring plots. Still get to watch em grow that way.
Thanks, Adam.  My neighbors are certified organic growers, so I might turn them on to a few plants, if they are interested.
Devv said:
Nice score from Shane John!
Impressed with the Alliums. I tried Elephant garlic for two years here, it hates me. I guess the summer temps are too much. Shallots, regular garlic and Onions do fine.
Regarding the thought of selling plants, I sold a few cheap, 4 bucks for 1 gal plants. But then they didn't hear listen to my instructions. They showed signs of trauma, sunburn mostly. The guy finally brought one in, pot was totally soaked, and since it sunburned he's been keeping it in the dark. I TOLD him Friday, put the plant on the East side of the house where the sun goes away around noon. It needs the light and the sun to harden off properly, don't worry about a few of the first leaves falling off. And I want it in the sun and wind to dry out. They're 14'' tall plants (most) and have forked twice, some three times. The trunk is going to wood and they will loose the early leaves as this progresses.
A call to him today to ask about the plants? Well they're in the garage...I about fell over.
So I'm like WTF? Hellooo? Don't know if this is worth it. Guess from now on I'll do something different. I'm just too anal to put up with this :D
Have a great week!
Hey, Scott, yeah, see this is what I'm concerned about.  The average individual just seems a lot whinier and have a lot less common sense than in the old days.  Of course, growing up I only dealt with country folk, so that may explain a lot of it.  It's one thing not to know something - we're all ignorant of something or other - but to ignore advice and recommendations from someone who does know, just defies logic.
meatfreak said:
I wouldn't mind you sold plants that you've grown yourself from seeds I provided just to let you know. Also wanted to let you know that last season I experimented with having 2 or 3 plants on 1 spot. For the Annuum's it worked great, not so much for the Chinense since they brush out a lot more. I will do the same thing this season with my Jalapeno's, 2 or 3 depending on how much seedlings I have on 1 spot. Not all in 1 hole but like 3 or 4 inch distance between them.
Thanks, Stefan.  I'll occasionally put two plants in a 3.5" square pot when potting up, but I'll separate them when planting out or potting up to larger pots.  I doubt I'll go as close as you did with Jalapeños, but certainly closer than the big chinenses.  I've gotten good germination from the Freeport Orange SB, Chimayo, and Fish seeds you sent.  Nothing from the BBG7 yet, though it's only been eleven days.  Have to plant the Jals soon.
maximumcapsicum said:
That's why I fear putting my extras up for adoption. And yet I still plant too many and fail to cull. It's an illness really.
Yep, but there are worse addictions to have.
Devv said:
They need to learn, I know. But when I turn over beautiful plants and they start to go south you would think they would take my advise. Not that I'm a know it all regarding peppers by any means. But I managed to get them going during an 11 week period.
I'm just trying to get them to read the plants, and be smart about their care. I'd hate to see them die and think I handed over "bad plants".
Adam, yes you too have the disease! How can one not get attached to their work?
Yeah, guess I've already said all I need to about this.  It's certainly frustrating, that's for sure.  Maybe I'll start a "Caring for your new pepper plant" workshop that people are required to attend (for a modest fee, of course) to become certified to "adopt" a pepper plant.  Hmmm... that might actually be not such a bad idea.
So, I've been under the weather the last few days.  Not getting much done, which really sucks, because the weather has been mild (if exceptionally windy).  The recently potted up Orange Locoto, Brown Moruga, and Jigsaw are all adapting well to their new 3.5" square shoes.  The Round 2 flats (PF5 through PF8) all started showing sprouts on Monday and the first (and so far, only) Round 3 flat (PF9) started popping last night.  Here are the numbers as of a couple of hours ago:


I find it curious that the 6-4 is germinating so well, while none of the Big Jim have sprouted yet.  Of course, they only started last night, so I'm not worried yet.
Here's hoping everyone is have a great week so far.  Tomorrow is TGIF!
Too bad about the thievery...a couple well placed trail cams and a couple more Doberman Pinschers. We have training trip wire flares in the military, might be able to find a few of those at a surplus store??? Oh, if not...a couple of these on a trip wire:
Believe me they're LOUD. Anyway...just some thoughts.
Devv said:
Hope you're feeling better!
All kinds of crap going around work, guy came in obviously sick. "The doc told me to stay home, but here I am". As I backed away "so you came to share? Thanks pal".
Thanks, Scott.  Actually, surprisingly, I do feel a lot better today.  I may be jumping the gun, or jinxing myself, but I may have successfully fought off this one.
stc3248 said:
Too bad about the thievery...a couple well placed trail cams and a couple more Doberman Pinschers. We have training trip wire flares in the military, might be able to find a few of those at a surplus store??? Oh, if not...a couple of these on a trip wire:
Believe me they're LOUD. Anyway...just some thoughts.
Love the video.  I live right next to a highway, so until I get the place completely fenced all the way around, no dogs for me.  I think I have all the materials I need; now it's just a matter of getting it done.  I have been tossing around the idea of some cans of bear spray on trip wires.
I meant to mention something about planting the garlic and shallots, even though that row was fertilized with triple 13 last year, and top dressed with more two or three weeks ago, I dug up several earthworms while planting the cloves.  Further supports my contention that judicious use of concentrated nutrients is not incompatible with a healthy soil.
Haha...unfortunately due to our legal system, I would not recommend anything that is designed to cause pain. Kind of like the difference between carrying a baseball bat or a collapsible batan or nightstick. The nightsticks are designed as a weapon so a lawyer could peg you with intent or pre-meditation. The noise grenades are classified as a toy and are thrown at each other by 12 yo kids and you could argue that they are there as an animal deterrent.  
You're right on point with your analysis of chem-ferts IMHO. I have said the same thing on other threads where folks claim using a water-soluble plant food destroys the soil food web like you're pouring uranium into the dirt. Whatever...I use a combination of organic, water soluble and time release and can go out and grab 100 earthworms in 15 minutes.